Ch 22 Victyuri

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Its been about a month since the event and victor wanted to get drunk for no particular reason. We even invited yurio. I've had a couple of drinks and feel a little buzzed. I decided to take us to the nearest hotel I didn't think I'd make it. As I layed Victor down and stripped to my boxers and layed down. Victor turned to me Yuri I wanna fuck he slurred what.

Next thing I know I'm being straddled by a naked Victor who's pulling off my boxers. Hey Victor I cried out then he grabbed my legs and thrusted into me. It hurt a lot. I let the tears flow down, I wanted to make love like Victor but, not like this. What's wrong Yuri he asked concerned I could tell, please is all I could get out before a moans ripped through my throat I'll put all my love into it he said thrusting again he groaned my name as I constantly moan his

After a pleasurable while his thrusts got sloppy after his last grunted we cummed together.

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