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NEW FIC Yo. This is the last fanfic that Sarah and I will be writing, at least for the distant future, things may change, who knows? Either way, enjoy our final fanfiction, I hope you guys like it and thanks for being along for this fanfic ride. I know the fandom has pretty much completely died out but it's fine lol. Maybe you'll see us post our new original stories in the future, who knows? Anyway, please enjoy!

-Gabi :)

Alan's POV

I knocked loudly on Rebecca's front door waiting for her to answer. I had to get Benji to school before he was late and then I had to get to my interview. If I was late for an interview I was gonna be fucked. I needed this job so bad or I wouldn't be able to afford my place right now. If I knew she could get Benji to school then I wouldn't worry, but she can't drive and there was no bus route that could pick him up.

"Becca!" I shouted as pounded on the door. "Come on!"

I was actually going to kill her soon.

"Becca!" I shouted again as I looked at my watch. I was gonna be late. She finally swung the door open and looked at me.

"What?" She said.

"Benji has school and you were supposed to have him up and ready to go!"

"Oh, let me go grab him," she said sleepily.

"Is he even ready for school?" I asked pushing past her into her place, well her parents place. I went up to the room he had here and opened his door. He was still out cold. "Benji," I said softly, "Come on we gotta get you to school and then you're back at my place for the whole week."

"I don't wanna go Dad, I'm sleepy."

"I know, but once you get home from school we'll go do something super fun like always, okay?"

"Promise?" He asked, sitting up.

"Promise, now let's get you dressed and ready okay?" I said quickly grabbing some clothes from his bag and changing him into them. I was honestly happy that he lived with me full time besides the weekends. I would like to think I was much better at parenting than Becca was.

"I missed you," he said.

"I missed you, too bud."

He sighed and kicked his feet a little.

"What is it? Did you have a good weekend with your mama?" I asked as I tied his shoes then picked him up after I packed up his bag.

"Yeah, I guess I did. She slept most of the time."

"I bet she did," I said walking out to the door with him, "You get high again?" I asked Becca as I grabbed Benji favorite blanket off the couch.

"Why does that matter? He was asleep," Becca said with an eye roll.

"God, when are you gonna grow up and be a parent?"

"I am a parent!"

"Barely," I mumbled. "He'll be back Saturday, thanks for keeping him till this morning."

"Come give me a hug bud," Becca said.

I set him down and he went over to her, giving her a hug and a kiss, "Bye mama."

"Bye Baby, I'll see you next week."

"Bye, bye," He said and came back to me. I took his hand and we quickly left. I put him in his seat before I grabbed his backpack from the trunk and put it by him.

"Let's get you to school," I said smiling at him as I started driving to his school. I couldn't believe I was going to be late to my job interview. Once I dropped Benji off at school I practically sped all the way to my interview.

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