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Alan's POV

I walked into my apartment at roughly four in the morning. I was back working nights at the club untiI found something, but with Vic's bakery being back up that was something. Although, I know it was going to be a hot minute before we would actually be making a profit, so I needed this. I still had bills to pay and a kid to take care of. I was also beyond thankful that Vic was willing to watch Benji for me while I worked overnight.

I went to the bedroom and saw Vic was fast asleep. I took my shirt and pants off before i climbed into bed with him. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him tight and kissed his cheek softly.

"I love you," I whispered.

Vic opened an eye and gave me a lazy smile. "I love you too."

"Go back to bed."

He sighed and checked his phone. "I have to be up in an hour anyway, it's fine."

"I know, I know," I said before giving him a kiss. "I missed you today and thank you for watching Benji again."

"It's no problem," he said. "I missed you too."

I smiled and cuddled up to him, "I need to sleep."

"Get some sleep then, my love."

"I will, I will," I said and closed my eyes. I fell asleep and when I woke up Vic was gone. I got up from bed and took note of the time.  Rosie and Benji were still at school So I didn't have to worry about picking them up or anything right now.  It was nice to just lay here and relax to be honest.

I grabbed my phone and text Vic seeing if he was at the bakery right now or at the office. I went to the bathroom and took a shower eventually, still waiting for him to text me back. It was unusual for him to not respond to me.

I eventually tried calling him, but gave up on that when he didn't answer. I tried the office next, but he wasn't there. I sent him another text as I left my apartment, heading to the bakery. Maybe he was there.

When I got there, I saw that that the closed sign was up. Where the hell was he? I went inside anyway since I had a key to get in and checked the back.

"Goddammit," I said as panic started to set in. Where the hell could he be? He wasn't at work or here or at my place. Did he just go home without a word or something? Maybe i did something and he was mad at me? What would I have done though?  I mean ever since we got back together things seemed perfectly fine.  We were happy, right?

I looked around the back office and found a phone number for Margaret.  Maybe she would know where he was.


"Hi Margaret, it's Alan. I'm really sorry to bother you but I can't find Vic anywhere and I don't have his family's contact information besides yours.  I looked everywhere for him. I'm at the bakery right now and he wasn't here and he didn't go into the office today.  I'm really worried because I can't find it anywhere and he's not answering my calls or texts either." 

She let out a sigh. "Oh dear. You might find him at the cemetery, today is the one year anniversary of my daughter's death."

I love you

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright honey."

"I think I'm going to go find him and talk to him, maybe give him some support just so he knows I'm there or something. That sounded better in my head."

"I understand what you mean. Now, you and I do need to have a talk sooner or later," she told me.

"Yeah, for sure. We can plan something eventually," I said as I left the bakery, locking it up before getting into my car. "I'll talk with you soon."

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