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Alan's POV

I looked back at Benji who was wide awake in his seat. He didn't have school today and no one could watch him for me today so I had to bring him in to work. Becca said no because she sucks at being a mom, my parents had plans today for their own thing and Becca's parents I don't trust to leave my child with, ever. I mean I'd been here for a good week and I ended up calling Vic to let him know that I had to bring him in today.

"You're gonna be good for me today, right?" I said as we pulled into the lot. 

"I'm always good," he said.

"Well, you gotta be extra good today, okay?" 

"I will," he said.

"Good, I got your lunch and we have some toys for you to play with and other stuff okay?" 

"Thank you Daddy," he said with a smile.

"No problem bud," I said. I helped him out of the car, grabbing his bag and mine before taking his hand and heading inside.

"Is your job fun?" He asked.

"I think so, there's a lot of math though."

"Ewwy, math is icky," Benji said.

I smiled at him, "I know," I said as we got onto the elevator. "Can you press the three for me?"

Benji nodded and pressed the button for me.

"Can you pick me up?" He asked looking up at me. I nodded and scooped him up as I balanced our bags on the other arm.  We got to my floor and walked to the office space. We got there and Benji immediately retreated and hid his face in my neck. He was really shy with people.

"Buddy, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing," He said holding me tight.

I chuckled, "Alright then," I said walking back to my little are with the two other accountants who worked with me. "Hi Veronica, where's Eddy today?" I asked.

"He's sick," She said smiling at me, "Is this Benjamin?"

I nodded, "The one and only."

"Hi Benjamin," she said with a small smile.

Benji turned and looked at her, "Hi," He said still hiding himself.

"Do you want to sit at Eddy's desk?" She asked. "You can use the desk to color."

"Can I, Daddy?"

"Of course buddy," I said and set him down at the desk. I set his bag down and took his coloring stuff out as well as some toys, "Now don't touch things that aren't yours, okay?" 

He nodded. "Got it."

"Good," I told him before I sat at my desk and logged into my computer then began to do some work.  Benji smiled and started humming as he colored. I chuckled, he's such a cute kid.

"You know, Vic's daughter is here too in case he gets bored," Veronica said.

I smiled, "That's good to know."

She nodded and went back to work. I did the same keeping an eye on Benji as I did.

"Daddy I'm bored," he declared after thirty minutes.

I looked up from my work and over to him, "how about you find something from your bag then?"

"Can we explore?"

"Explore? Baby, I gotta work."

"Daddy," he whined getting down from his chair and coming to pull on my sleeves.

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