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Alan's POV

I had just gotten off work and as I was pulling into the driveway of Vic's house my phone began ringing. I answered it and groaned. Why was Becca calling me at four in the morning.

"Hello?" I asked when she answered.

"I give up. I've put a lot of thought into this Alan and I can't do it. I don't want to be a mom and I hate being a mom. I just want to live my life. I quit. I don't want this," Becca ranted right away. "I can't do it. I've never been good at it and you can have Benji and everything. I'm not."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I don't wanna be a mom anymore. I don't want this Alan. I'm done. I'm getting the hell out of this state and I'm never coming back."

"You're joking right? Are you high or something?"

"I'm sober and I'm done. You can get my name off everything. Lose this number," She said before hanging up without another word. What the hell just happened? I got out of the car and headed inside, trying to call her back as I did. I was barely awake and functioning again.

"Becca, call me back. You can't just do this to him," I said when it went to voicemail. I even tried her parents and each of them didn't even know where she disappeared to. Apparently her bedroom had been cleared of a lot of her belongs and she was just gone. "Fuck," I said sitting at the table as I tried her phone again. I wasn't gonna give up on this.

How could I tell Benji that his mom just gave up on being his mom. He was five and he didn't deserve that, he was little and he needed his mom even if she sucked. I didn't know what to do or how to tell him that his mom was just abandoning him because she was a shitty human being.

I needed sleep, but I had to get a reason as to why she was doing this? This was so unfair to our son. What was I supposed to do? This was out of the ordinary for her and it just didn't make sense. It felt really sudden and I didn't trust it one bit.

I let out a groan, voicemail again. What the fuck? She was such an idiot.

"For fuck sakes Becca, answer your fucking phone!" I shouted when it went to voicemail again. How could she do something like this to her son? I slammed my head on the table, what was I supposed to do?

I didn't even know how to tell Benji.

"Ash?" Vic called sleepily as he padded into the kitchen.

"Hey," I said looking up at him as I tried Becca's phone again.

"What are you doing," He asked, sitting next to me.

"Trying to get ahold of Becca."

"What for?" Vic questioned curiously.

"She called me and decided she didn't wanna be a mom anymore," I said just as her voicemail played again. I just hung up and sighed. "I don't know what to do.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"Don't be."

"Well, I am. That really sucks Ash," he said, leaning his head on my shoulder. "But, maybe it's for the best. Or at least, in Benji's best interest that she's not doing anything to ruin his life anymore."

"How am I gonna tell my five year old son that his mom doesn't wanna see him anymore?"

Vic sighed. "When Isabelle and I found out that she was dying, when it was too far gone for her to ever get better, Rosalie was five years old. Isabelle couldn't handle telling Rosie that she was dying so I did it.  I took her to do her favorite thing, we went and she got her nails done," he said quietly and afterwards, I took her to get a new dress she had been wanting and as we walked around, I sat her down and I told her. It wasn't the easiest, it was ridiculously hard to tell her that Belle was dying but she understood, you know? She cried her eyes out and I cried too, you know? But you just have to be honest, and do it as lightly as possible."

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