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Vic's POV

I smiled as Alan climbed on top of me and pepper kisses along my jaw. "Today's the day," he sang, kissing the spot right below my ear.

"What's today?" I asked, feeling the bed dip and two more bodies climbed on.

"It's opening day and you need to get into the kitchen and get to work on some treats."

I opened an eye and looked at my boyfriend. "Are you going to actually help me? Or are you going to just lick the bowl every time I'm done with it?"

Alan hummed. "We will have to see about that," he said. "Now get up baby, we've got two hungry kids and a full day ahead of us."

"Just a couple more minutes."

"I guess we can do that," Alan said. "Have you decided a new name for the bakery? Or are you keeping it just Vic's Bakery?"

I hummed. "The new name is Sweet as a Rose."

"That's cute. I like that one."

"You named it after me?" Rosie screamed.

"I did," I said looking over at her.

"You're the best daddy ever!"

"I try to be."

"You are," she insisted and plopped a kiss on my cheek.

"I am, aren't I?"

"Yes now I'm hungry."

"We'll make you some food, don't worry."

"Hurry up," Benji said.

"Don't be rude."

"Quit cuddling."


"Because I'm hungry," Benji whined.

"We know."

"So hurry up."

"Okay, Okay."

Alan let out a huff. "I don't want to get up."

"Well we're hungry," Benji whined.

"Go get some cereal!" Alan said.

"It's too far away! We can't reach it."

"I can," Rosie said taking Benji's hand and pulling him away.

"Be careful!" I shouted after them.

Alan chuckled and gave me a kiss. I smiled and held him close to me. He crawled on top of me and kissed me again.

"You know, the breakfast thing is only going to keep them away for like, ten minutes, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I know."  He glared at me. "So shut up and kiss me."

"Will do bossypants," I said and went to kiss him just as we heard a scream and a thud downstairs.

"I'm okay!" Benji shouted.

"We should go down there," I told my boyfriend.

Alan nodded before he got up and the two of us head on downstairs.

"What are you two doing?" I asked, watching as Rosie poured chocolate syrup in Benji's bowl of cereal.

"Making cereal," Benji said watching Rosie intently.

"What happened to your head?" Alan asked going over to Benji who now had a big red bump in his head.

"I fell, but I'm fine."

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