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Alan's POV

I decided that no matter what I did Benji wasn't really that happy with me. I don't know what I did, but I felt like I couldn't fix it. It was like it was a losing battle with him lately.

I sat beside Vic who was currently over at my apartment. Rosie and Benji were playing in the other room while Vic and I watched a movie together. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. 

"What is it?" He asked, lacing our fingers together.

"I've been talking to Becca since Benji wants to move there," I said quietly.

"Oh really?" Vic said.

I nodded, "Yeah, she's willing to take him."

"Do you think that's a good idea, though?" Vic asked.

"No it's not, not at all," I said, "But I don't want him to be unhappy here with me."

"Can I tell you something that might not be what you want to hear?" He asked hesitantly.


"Sometimes, Babe, it's not about the kids' happiness, it's not even about whether they like you or not. Benji is only five and he's confused. Even if right now, Becca is filling his head with lies and stupid shit like that, it doesn't mean that she is a better parent. She's still the one who lets him play outside in the front yard by himself. She's the one who can't seem to grow up. He likes her more because when he's at her house, he doesn't have structure like he does here. He can do whatever the hell he wants at her house and he knows that when he's here, you don't let him do that. You're not a bad dad, you're honestly a really amazing one. You just got stuck with a shitty baby mama."

I nodded, "You're right."

He chuckled. "I know I am."

"It's getting late, you and Miss Rosie gotta get home," I said, "Or you both can stay here tonight."

"Do you want me to stay here tonight?" He asked.

"I wouldn't mind it at all."

"We can stay here," he decided.

"Good to hear," I said honestly before I gave him a quick kiss.

Vic and I went back to our movie, watching intently together before it ended. We got up and put the two kids to bed before we went to bed ourselves. About halfway through the night I felt a small hand on my shoulder, shaking me to wake me from my sleep.

"Daddy," Benji whispered.

"What is it baby?" I asked opening my eyes and turning my bedside lamp on, "You okay?"

"Can I talk to you?"

I nodded and sat up, "Yeah, what is it?"

"I don't wanna talk in here."

I gave him a curious look before I got out of bed and followed Benji out of the room. This was weird. He was never liked this nor did he ever do things like this.

"What's up bud?" I asked once we were out of my bedroom.

"I don't like Vic."

"What?" I asked softly, crouching down to look at him in the eye. "Why not? I thought you loved Mr. Vic."

"I don't like him. He's dumb."

"But what happened? I thought you did?" I asked, already heartbroken, I didn't want to leave Vic.

"You pay more attention to him than me now."

"Then I'll stop paying as much attention to him, we'll do more stuff just me and you."

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