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Vic's POV

Rosie gave me a look as I pulled up in front of her school to drop her off.

"What?" I demanded, giving her a confused look.

"Victor Vincent Fuentes," she said sassily. Sounding just like her mother. "Quit being sad, it's annoying. You were like this after Mama dad, well maybe worse but still."

"I'm allowed to be sad, I loved him," I argued with her. "And you're not my boss."

She sneered a little. "Yes, I am. Granny said you need someone to boss you around because you do stupid stuff so that's what I'm doing."

"You need to stop talking to your grandmother," I said with a sigh and she just gave me a smile and shook her head.

"She's smart. I called her last night and she's coming over to talk to you today."

"What!" I shouted.

"Bye Daddy, I love you," she said and bolted out of the car, slamming the door and ran into the school. I sighed, I had no clue what I was going to do with that kid. She was a handful sometimes, especially when she talked with her grandmother. I just shook my head and started driving back to the house, I had called into work today, just not really feeling it. It didn't feel the same without Alan there and I hated it.  That place really sucked now.

I let out a loud groan when my phone started to ring, if that was my mother in law, I was going to kill Rosalie.

"Hello?" I questioned when I answered.

"Victor Vincent Fuentes!" My mother in law shouted.

I sighed, "What?" 

"Quit it right now."

"Quit what?" 

"Being depressed about this boy."

"I'm not."

"Really?" She said, not sounding impressed.

"Really," I said trying to convince her.

"I don't believe you. Meet me at your bakery."

I sighed, "Okay, I'll meet you there."

"Good because your parents and I are already here and we have something for you."

"Uh okay?" I said confused. 

"Alright, bye sweetheart, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon."

We hung up and I tossed my phone on the passenger seat. I was so confused as to what was happening but I was just going to go with it. I hadn't been to the bakery in forever. There really wasn't any use in going considering it wasn't open and I couldn't even afford to keep the power going. It was going to be hard going back there too. I pulled into the parking lot of the bakery and got out slowly as I saw my parents and my in laws standing in front of the bakery with big grins.

"What's going on?" I asked looking between all of them.

"Come inside," Margaret said, opening the door. I frowned and stepped inside and my heart stopped.

"The power's on," I said slowly. 

"Yeah it is."

"But why?" 

"Victor, you were the most amazing husband my daughter could have ever asked for. There aren't very men who can handle taking care of their dying wife and a six year old daughter," My father in law, Daniel, said. "You deserve so much more but the least we can do is help you get your bakery back up and running."

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