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Vic's POV

I sighed as I looked through the files on my desk, I had way too many things to deal with and I didn't want to deal with any of it. I sighed and leaned back in my chair and spun around a little. Working at this stupid office supplies office was literally the bane of my existence. I hated being stuck at a desk with a stupid suit on. I hated the formalities and the stupid meetings I dealt with.

I missed working at my bakery. I missed making pastries and cookies and everything else I made there. But, ever since Isabelle had first been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, money was tight. And, after she passed away, her life insurance had barely covered the bills. I was barely making ends meet with just my bakery which meant I needed to find a way to make more money. Especially to pay the hospital bills, the regular bills and things for Rosie. I needed something stable. And the bakery just wasn't making enough money to keep things going. Of course, I took odd jobs, if a friend needed a birthday cake or something, I made it but, the office job was what I needed right now to take care of Rosalie.

She was my priority. 

"Hey uh, Victor, it's four, I'm going to go get Benji," Alan said, popping his head into my office and I fell out of my seat. "Oh god, are you okay?" He asked running over to help me up.

"I'm late!" I exclaimed, trying to get up. "Rosie is going to kill me. Oh my god."

"Uh okay?" 

"My daughter," I explained. 

"Oh, you better get going then."

"Yeah," I said and grabbed my things. "I'll see you later," I said, rushing out.


I hurried out to my car and practically sped to the elementary school where I found Rosie sitting on the curb pouting, her chin resting on her hands. I got out and gave her an apologetic look.

"You're late," she mumbled.

"I know and I'm so sorry Rosie," I said and sat beside her. 

"Granny's never late," she said with a sigh. "Mama was always early."

I sighed, "I know, I have to get back into all this."

"You suck at it, Daddy," she mumbled.

"How can I make it up to you?"

"I don't know, just don't be late tomorrow."

"I won't be," I said and held up my pinky.

"Good," She said and locked hers with mine.

"Well, we have two options now. We can either go home and you can do your homework and we can build a blanket fort when you're done and watch a movie, or we can go to the park for a little bit and I can make it up to you that way."

"I wanna go to the mall," she said.

"The mall?" 

"I wanna get my nails done and Mommy used to take me to her nail place there," she said. "She would get her nails done too."

"Uh okay, we can do that."

She gave me her puppy dog eyes. "Will you get your nails done?"

"Yes, I will."

"Really!" She shouted and stood up.

"Yeah really."

"Daddy you're the best in the world," she said, pulling me to the car.

"I'm trying to be."

She smiled and let me buckle her up in the seat. "When can I sit in the front seat?" She asked.

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