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Alan's POV

I smiled at Benji as I slipped his shirt over his head. He had a playdate with Rosie today and he was super excited. I was so happy that him and Rosie got along so well especially with whatever was going on with Vic and myself.

"You ready for Rosie and Mr. Vic to get here?" I asked as I scooped him up and brought him to our front room. 

"Yeah! Rosie's cool."

"She's pretty awesome."

"I like Mr. Vic a lot, do you?" He asked.

"Yeah, he's a nice... friend." 

"Just a friend?" Benji asked. "Or like one of Mama's friends?"

"One of mama's friends?" I asked curiously.

"Like the guys she brings over?"

My face fell, "What?" 

"You know, her friends," he said.

"Do you know what she's doing with these friends?" I asked getting a little annoyed. 

"They shout a lot, Mama says they're just playing though."

"Huh, okay, how about you find some cartoons while you wait okay?"

He nodded, "Okay Daddy," He said with a smile before I helped him set up his favorite show.

I took my phone out and dialed Becca's number. I was pissed honestly. How many random men was she seeing while our son was there and even at her own parents house? How could they all be so irresponsible?

"Alan?" She said when she answered.

"Becca, do you usually bring random men to your parents when our son is there?" I snapped going into another room so Benji didn't hear.

"I don't think that's any of your business," she said stiffly.

"It is when my son brings it up to me."

"What is he talking about?" Becca demanded.

"I don't know, you tell me? You seem to have a lot of fun shouting with your guy friends," I snapped, "But you like to tell you're just playing around. God, when are you gonna grow up and be a parent to him?" 

"I am a parent to him! I just like to have fun."

"Well don't have it while he's there!"

"I can't help it if I have needs."

"Needs don't need to be met for you. Our child is more of a priority then your sexual desires!" I shouted just as I heard a knock on our apartment door. I walked to the door and opened it letting Vic and Rosie in while I was still on the phone with Becca. "You know better than that Becca."

"Hey Ash," Vic said with a smile as Rosie ran and gave me a hug.

I gave him a quick smile and hugged Rosie quickly before heading to my kitchen.

"I can do whatever I want to do. It's my life too!" Becca argued.

"Oh yeah? Is it good parenting to wanna get laid when you can only see your son for two days out of the week because you can't be a parent any other time? Is it good when all you do is mooch off your parents and smoke weed? Is that good Becca? Is it?"

"Benji is clean and taken care of when he's here, it's fine."

"But he has to sit and listen to you fuck random men!?" I shouted just as Vic came into the kitchen.

"I told him to wear his earphones!" She exclaimed.

"He shouldn't have to worry about anything like that at his mother's fucking house!"

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