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(Jazzy's POV)

"I see you have trouble makers, well so do I."

I looked at all the big ass men running towards us and just told the other agents, excluding 14, to get the hell out this building and go back to our main building so the boss can get the suitcase.

"No! We should stay and help fight," Agent 9 says.

I look at 14, and just stayed silent without looking at 9.

"No can do sir. The less of us, the better. Besides, we'll be fine," I said sternly while pulling out some of my throwing knives and started throwing them at heads.


"No if's, but's, and and's. Go now, we'll discuss this later." I ran up to the buff guy, that took Sanai upstairs, and stabbed him in the back of his head, right into the skull and to the brain.

The agents ran out of the building and 14 stayed to fight with her bare hands.

"Where the hell is your fucking boss?!" I asked a guy that I had in a head lock.

"I'm not gonna say you stupid little girl!" He yelled.

I shrugged and said, "Your mistake, not mine," and I twisted his neck.

I could see a guy standing at the top of the steps from the corner of my eyes. I gave 14 a look and nodded. Then I4 ran straight for him.

I saw him run as I pulled one of my shotguns and chased after him. I ran through the door to the attic. It was huge and I couldn't see him anymore.

"Come out," I said, not in the mood for this shit.

Then the door behind me closed and I felt someone standing right behind me. But I pretended to not know and said, "Where are you?!"

Quickly, I turned around and knocked the guy out cold. Then I heard yelling from downstairs and automatically knew Sanai wiped out the entire crew.

She came upstairs to be and there was so much blood splattered all over her. I handed her the guy from the attic and said, "Should we take him with us to the boss?"

"Might as well," 14 said as she picked up the guy and we walked out the building.

When we stepped outside, we saw a black limo and the window rolled down to reveal our boss.

"Good job girls. Y'all should go home and rest, you both still have school," he said to us.

We both nodded and 14 asked, "What about this guy?" She pointed at the rival boss.

"Ah here," he said as he got one of his men to take them from 14.

"I appreciate you girls. Have a good rest and see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow sir," 14 and I both said at the same time. Then the limo drove off and I looked at 14.

Then it hit me.

"OH SHIT!" I yelled.

Then it hit her too.

"FUCK" She yelled too.

We looked at each other and yelled, "I FORGOT TO DO MY HOMEWORK!"

(Agent 9's POV)

That damn Agent 13. Does she not know that I'm the leader of this group. Wait, she doesn't.

"This is a nice house," Agent 5 said while walking around the living room.

"They must've knew each other since when they were younger," Agent 6 said, picking up a picture of agents 13 & 14 when they were younger.

"BOOMBAYAH!" The door busted right open with agents 13 & 14 coming in and closing the door.

"TF, why are y'all in our house?" 13 asked.

"Oh yeah. The boss said that we all have to live together. For the sake of being able to communicate better," I explained.

"I knew when boss got us this big ass house with so many rooms that he was up to something," 13 said.

"We have to go take a shower and head to bed," I said, while walking to my room.

"Why?" Agent 4 asked.

"We're only 14. We still go to school," Jazzy said, walking into her room and closing her door.

"Agents 7, 8, and 12 will be here later. They got caught up in something. Anyways good night," I said to 14 as she walked inside her room and closed her door.

-The next morning at 6am- (Jazzy's POV)

I woke up to a bunch of grown ass 20 year old men yelling at each other over some stupid ass pair of sneakers.

"But I know one of you took them!"

"TF bro! Nobody took your shit!"

I groaned and got up out of bed. I changed into some black ripped jeans, a black crop top, a black leather jacket, and some black boots. Then I curled my hair and did my skincare routine. My choice of fashion shows how I'm feeling so black shows that I'm not in the mood.

I walked out of my room and went straight to Sanai's room. I busted into her room and then closed her door. She was wide awake too, and fully dressed.

"This is fucking stupid," she said. I nodded and we both went to the living room, which is where the others were.

We grabbed some granola bars, our backpacks, and just stood there watching the scene.

"Then why the hell aren't they in my suitcase?!"

"Oh my fucking God, SHUT UP!" Sanai yelled.

"It's too early for this shit. Just go back to sleep guys," I said.

I saw three men I didn't recognize and smiled.

I held out my hand to them and shook them all.

"Hi, I'm Agent 13 aka, Jazzy. This is my main partner, Agent 14 aka Sanai. We'd love to stay and talk but we have to head out for school, see y'all later," I said and pulled Sanai out the door.

-At school-

I was in my second period, waiting for the teacher. Sanai was sitting behind me quietly.

"OMG look at who walked out her house like the depressed bitch she is," I heard , the bitch of the school, say about me.

I groaned in annoyance and said, "Not today Kayla. I'm not in the mood."

"Clearly, you're wearing all black," she said, twisting her blond hair with her finger.

"Just ignore her Jaslyn," Sanija said to me.

"I will, after I say this to her,"

I looked back at Kayla and said,

"Listen up bitch. I'm not in the mood to hear your little remarks about me today. You're too fucking bitchy and people like you should be thrown the fuck away. Now if you excuse me, I'm waiting for our teacher to get here so I can hear something relevant that could benefit my life in some way, shape, or form."

Kayla looked offended and turned away from me. I looked back at Sanija and just smiled while she shook her head in disappointment.

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