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A/N: Sanija I swear to fucking God if you kill number 1 I'm gonna personally kick your ass the next time I FUCKING SEE YOU. So try me bitch and watch what happens to number 6. ANYWAYS, onto the chapter.

(Sanija's POV)

So it's been a few days since the entire incident with Jazzy. Boss decided to keep her room was boarded up as possible so she won't be able to stare at anyone, since she has a tendency of staring at the scenery from out her room window and every now and then a person would come walk by and she would just stare at them as they walked by, not even noticing her.

Plus whenever the team would go and check on her, she would immediately avoid eye contact, find something that would distract her, or close her eyes until we all left from her room.

Especially whenever Agent 7 went inside to check on her whenever it was his turn. I think she feels bad for hurting him, even if it was intentional or not.

I walked inside her room and saw her working on something at her desk.

"What is it Sanai?" She asked me, keeping an eye on her work.

"Just giving you an update on school and giving you the assignments for your classes," I said, putting paperwork on her desk as she thanked me.

"Showing any signs of powers coming back?" She asked me.

I shook my head and said, "Not really. It's very boring without them. But on the bright side, I managed to increase my stamina even more so that's good."

She nodded and said, "That's good."

I could already tell what she was thinking about as she stared very hard at the work she was doing.

"No, I didn't find any leads on who may have taken Kayla and where she could possibly be right now," I said, sighing.

That's when her ringtone came on and she looked at her phone to see that the boss was calling us.

"Hello?" She answered, putting the phone on speaker so I could be able to hear what he would have to say.

"13, where's 14 at?" He asked us.

"14 is right here with me. Why ask?" She asked curiously.

"You and the team leave for the US in how long?" The boss asked.

"We leave tomorrow as soon as 14 gets out of school. I have paperwork to turn in so I want to do it right before we leave," She said.

"Good. I just got a call saying that a close friend of you two got shot to death. The name is Amaryllis, recognize that name?" He asked us as both of our eyes widened.

"Y-yes we do," I said, shocked.

"What was her relation with you two?" He asked us.

"She was a childhood friend of ours back when we lived in America until we moved here in Seoul. We haven't heard from her since then," Jazzy said.

I could see the guys in the doorway of Jazzy's room, seeming shocked. They must've been here since the call began.

"Well, her family called to ask if you two could attend her funeral. I'm sorry if this gets in the way of the business that you girls have to already handle in the US, I was just told to inform you. The funeral is in 3 dats in case you wanted to know," Boss said.

"Yes sir," 13 and I both said at the same time and the call hung up.

"Sorry for your lost," I heard Agent 2 say as I looked up at him.

13 was just silent the entire time while staring at her desk and I could already tell what she was thinking.

"Y'know the plan," she said as I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.

"Oh yeah!" I heard 7 say as he walked up to Jazzy and put a pair of glasses in her hands as she looked at them confusedly.

"I made these for you. They're glasses that allows you to look at people but they won't be able to be in pain. It took a while for me to make but now they're done. There's also an eye contact version of it in case you don't want to wear the glasses. I did a lot of testing on them so they should be able to work," 7 said.

Jazzy just put them on and stared at 7 really hard, but he seemed to be fine.

She smiled at him and said, "Thanks."

~The Next day After School~ (Jazzy's POV)

I was standing outside in front of the school, waiting for Sanija to come out. The guys were here with me, waiting patiently while observing the school.

The final bell rang as I saw students walking out of the building.

"Jazzy!" I heard a voice scream as I looked up and saw my classmate from my Biology class run up to me, her name is Clover.

"Oh hey Clover, how's it going?" I asked.

"It's going good. How come you haven't been in school lately. And why do you have suitcases behind you?" she asked, looking at the suitcases.

The guys were looking dead at me as I sighed and said, "I'm going on vacation. Plus I've been out due to some recent issues in the family. I'm just waiting for Sanai to come out so we can leave because our fight is pretty soon."

She nodded her head, understanding.

"You know, those guys behind you are pretty hot," she whispered very quietly in my ear as I looked back at them and then back at her with a disapproving look.

"Trust me, they're more annoying than you think. These are mine and Sanai's bodyguards. They're here to make sure Sanai and I don't get hurt, you know what happened at this school and how Kayla disappeared," I said and she nodded again.

When I said that, I could see 3 and 10 look at each other from the corner of my eyes but decided to disregard it.

"Anyways, have a fun vacation and see you when you get back," Clover said as she waved goodbye and walked away.

Just as she walked away, Sanai came running to us.

"Thank god hell is over for the day," she said.

"Took you long enough," I heard 9 say as I was about to tell him to shut up but Sanai just shook her head.

"Anyways, I packed your suitcase," I said, passing her the suitcase and she thanked me.

"Now let's go to the airport so we don't end up being late" 7 said.

We all nodded and left for the airport.

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