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(Agent 4's POV)

I can officially say that I am terrified of Agent 13. She woke up today in a really bad mood. Then again, she is always in a bad mood.

"Are you feeling any better?" Agent 7 asked.

"Shut the fuck up, I am tired!" she scolds.

"Uh. I was just checking on you." Agent 7 said.

Out of no where, Agent 7 screams for his mom. We look at Agent 13 to see her staring daggers into his soul. She was not even touching him but had him on the ground crying. Agent 14 ran over to Agent 13.

"Hey. Lets go take a nap in your bed." she says.

"Bed?" Agent 13 asks.

"Yea. Its really big." 14 explains.

"Big?" 13 asks confused.

"Yes. And comfy." Agent 14 says as she nods towards us and starts to guide Agent 13 to the testing ward.

Once they leave, the rest of us agents and a doctor run over to 7 to check up on him. When we look at 7, we see bruises and scars on his skin, but Agent 13 never touched him.

"It looks like pain infliction but I will run test on her to see if my idea is correct." the doctor says.

"I will come with you, I guess. You know, just in case you might need to be healed." Agent 8 says.

We hear Agent 7 groan out in pain, " Can you at least heal me first?"

We laughed as Agent 8 healed 7. Then, we heard screaming coming from the direction in which the girls have walked towards.


"Did anyone understand what she said?" I asked. I don't now English.

"She basically said that 14 lied and sounds like she is about to kill 14. Should we go help?" Agent 10 translated.

"Is that even a question? The child is powerless and alone in a room with someone whose power is potentially pain manipulation." Agent 11 say sarcastically.

"HELP!" Agent 14 screamed.

"OK. Now I think we should go." Agent 11 said.

We all ran for the room. As soon as we got there, we see Agent 14 holding her neck and Agent 13 looking deep into her soul.

"Jazzy! You are hurting me!" Agent 14 (Sanai) screamed. "Please stop."

Jazzy looked up at Sanai and immediately stopped. She ran over and hugged Agent 14 who was now in tears. That must have been very painful.

"Are you serious Agent 13! You could've killed her!" Agent 3 yells.

"Not my fault! I couldn't control that!" Agent 13 shoots back.

"Guys! Its fine. She didn't." Agent 9 interrupts.

"Yea. Lets just get you to a comfortable bed." Agent 2 says to 14.

"Sounds good to me!" Agent 14 agreed.

Agent 14 took Agent 13 upstairs to where the spare beds are. Did we make the same mistake of sending her alone? Of course we did.

(Agent 14's POV)

My neck is seriously killing me. While 13 was going on a whole rage, choking me to death, I was able to confirm that she had serious anger issues. Also, her power is pain infliction.

"To be honest, I am not surprised that you can control people's pain. It sounds like you." I said.

"Oh don't worry. I will always choose physical abuse." she admits.

"Aren't both equally bad?" I ask.

"It depends on how you look at it. With physical abuse, the only person who can stop me is Agent 3, whose name by the way, when we have to go on missions is Tao." she says.

"Ok." I said. "What else?"

"When we go on missions, we have someone who can cause pain, me, and someone who can take pain, Lay or Agent 8. The only person who can stop my powers is you, apparently." she answers.

"Wow. So, you are still going to physically hit me and not stare into my soul?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure. Why not?" she answers.

"Hallelujah!" I yell.

Jazzy just looks at me, but she tries not to stare. Until we figure out what to do with her powers, we will just have to keep her from staring at people, which will be very hard.

(Agent 3's POV)

After everyone dispersed from the Best Friend Is Gonna Kill The Other scene. Kris and I went outside to talk about someone.

"You do know someone is going to find out about her, right?" I asked.

"Yes, I am aware. The girl has been dead for weeks. Her body is already decomposing so don't worry about it." Kris said.

"But what if someone finds the remains, like bones? Those things take 40-50 years to decompose. (A/N: TRUE FACTS)" I asked worried.

"If you are so worried, we can go get the remains today and throw them in the ocean." Kris said.

"Good. I like that idea." I confessed.

"I know you do, because I came up with it." he said conceitedly.

"OK. Whatever."

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