Filler Chapter

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(Agent 3's POV)

"Did you two kill Kayla Sanchez?" Boss asked, getting straight to the point.

"No sir," I said.

"You sure?" Boss asked.

I'm pretty sure we would know if we killed someone sir," Kris said.

Boss nodded and asked, "Then where did you two go?"

"We went to go kill her ourselves but got the message that she was missing before we could do so," I said, looking at Boss.

"I see...,"

"Is there anything you would like us to do?" Kris asked.

Boss shook his head and dismissed us.

We walked out of his office and I exhaled.

"Thank God that's over" I said. Kris nodded and said, "Let's go find the others."

We walked to the bar that's inside our building and sat down at the counter. Jazzy and Sanai were sitting right next to us, just talking.

"I hate being powerless!" Sanai whined.

Jazzy sucked her teeth and said, "That's personal sweetheart. It's your fault that you've been dependent on your speed since Day 1. You should've taught yourself how to live life without those powers. Anyways, stop your complaining, it's only temporary. They'll be back," Jazzy said, drinking a glass of water.

"Hey girls, what are you up to?" Max, one of our best snipers, asked as he walked up to the girls.

"Nothing much. Just talking," Sanai said.

"Let's make a bet," Max said. Jazzy nodded her head while Sanai shook her head immediately.

"Cool! So if Jazzy can take 20 shots of whiskey and still remain sober, then I'll give you both ₩5,626,100. Deal?" Max said.

My eyes popped out of it's sockets. Is he asking a 14 year old girl to take 20 shots of whiskey?

"I don't drink," Jazzy said. "I'm too young."

"There's nothing wrong with breaking the rules," Max said.

(Sanai's POV)

I looked at Jazzy and nodded my head.

"I not drinking!" She said to me.

"But Jazzy!" I whined.

" 'But Jazzy's my ass! I don't wanna hear it!" She yelled.

I looked at her and said, "But we're fucking broke!"

She stopped for a second and thought about it. She looked at Max and said, "Deal!"

Max ordered 20 shots of whiskey and Jazzy looked at them all. The rest of our team came and looked.

"What is 13 about to do?" Suho asked, shaking his head.

Jazzy looked at him and said, "How do you know that I'm doing something?!"

"It's just a feeling," he said. Jazzy rolled her eyes and I explained the details to the rest if the team. Eventually the entire gang was down here to watch Jazzy.

"Jazzy, I don't think it's a good idea," Suho said. Jazzy flicked him off and grabbed the first shot glass.

Without another second to waste, she gulped that shit down. Then the next and the next and the next. Soon enough, she was done.

She put the last shot glass down and her head hung low.

"Is she already drunk?" Max asked.

I looked at her but her hair was covering her eyes. But I could see a smile creep up on her face.

"I don't know, am I?" She asked. I patted her back and said, "You good Jazzy?"

(Jazzy's POV)

I nodded to Sanai and sighed. My throat was burning and a headache was letting itself inside my head.

"13?" Suho asked.

I looked up at everyone and said, "I'm fine!" Everyone cheered and Max sighed.

Sanai and I placed our hands in front of Max, wanting our money.

Max chuckled and gave us our promised value and we thanked him. Soon enough, everyone cleared the bar and it was only the rest of the team.

"That was so irresponsible of you," Bernard said.

"Love you too 7," I said as I began to make it rain on 7.

A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter is ASS but a bitch has writers block when it comes to this story. Love you!! 

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