8|Missing You

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"Where is that?!" An unknown guy started flashing the lights towards the door and we quickly hide under the proffesor's table.

The unknown guy pushed the door hard that it breaks down and started ramaging the papers in the shelves.

Taehyung helping me shut up by covering my mouth, I can feel his breath in my face, The warm in his body.

He pulled me closer to his, he put his one arm in the back of my head letting me leaned in his shoulders.

"Shush" He says while looking around.

"His not here anymore, Let's get outta here" He gestured his hand towards the door making me go first.

While he looked around in every directions.
I accidentally stepped in a small ball that made me fall but eventually taehyung caught me and quickly pulled my arm towards him making me fall for him instead.

The unknown guy flashes his light near us, Taehyung suddenly hugged me tightly as he closes his eyes.

We'll probably get in trouble if we got caught. So I prayed he won't see us.
So many times, I kept imagining what will happened to us after this.

Taehyung whispered almost touching my earlobe "He is already gone, Let's take the window route, Its to dangerous to get out of the main exit" He insisted and I agreed


"You're home late" My mom greeted me from the dining room while rapidly shaking her glass of wine.

I hesitate to looked at her and ran fast as I could straight upstairs to my room and shut the door after me.

I put the important papers inside of the folder and put it neatly above my desk
And started taking a quick shower

If I could pick the happiest day of my life, I'll choose the one where I was stucked inside of the classroom with him.

I smiled staring back in the ceiling.

My phone buzzed, I slide and press the call


"This is Kim JS Company, We need you're presence if you have time can you show yourself?"

"I'm not sure, I'll try to free up my schedules thank you"

I ended the call and throwed my phone in the other side of the bed as I fall asleep.


"Taehyung's really is handsome..I really wanted to keep him by myself" Rośe jokingly says while staring at taehyung's backside and she devour the chips in front of her.

"Taehyung's really weird?" I says knitting my eyebrows together. They quickly averted their eyes at me.

"Wae?" Lisa leaned and asked

"I don't know, I just felt like it" I took a sip of orange juice and stares down at taehyung.

He definetly has no butt I thought to myself and throwed my orange juice in the trash.

"Jimin's cute" Jennie obviously staring at his backside as he plays football seemingly enjoying what he was doing.

"You have a boyfriend!" We all yelled at her
And tried slapping her in the face so she could wake up.

"I know, jeez" Jennie annoyingly rolled her eyes out.


"Hey, Jisoo" Seulgi waved at me, I am currently in the gym and were doing our P.E class.

"Can you help me put those basketballs in the bucket?" She asked and I agreed

I carefully placed down the balls neatly inside the basket, I dragged the basket I had going to places where the ball was until I was hit in the back.

"Oops" Momo says earning a glare from me, I quickly got up and dust my P.E uniform.

"I really hate someone who is clumsy, do you know that?" Momo smirked as she reached my arm shaking it.

"Momo, can you stop already?" Seulgi says
And dragged me out of the gym.

"Are you okay? Those girls don't have life, they kept bugging everyone" Seulgi helped me cover up the bruise from earlier with the bandaid as she adviced me to stay away from Momo.

"Thanks seulgi" I said and showed her my warm smile.

Suddenly someone buzzed up the door again and only to see his boxy smile in front of me.

"I heard you got hurt, are you okay?!" He asked while examing the injured area.

"Yes, I am"

I think, this is where it starts,
Where I fall in love with

Where I hurt myself, no.
He hurt me.

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