22.) Sick Days🤒

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Sage POV

I woke up with Jahseh on top of me and his slobber all on my neck, butt ass nakid.

"Jahsehhh get up" I groaned.

"mmmm" he said moving around.

I sighed and reached over to unplug my phone.

But a bitch left her charger.

"Jah we gotta go back to my house I left my charger" I said moving around.

"no ma" he groaned.

"Why not" I said looking down at him.

"my...stomach" he said shifting around.

"My stomach and legs hurt too Jah"

"I don't feel good" he said mumbled.

"you sick?" I asked rubbing his head.

Before he could answer he ran to the bathroom and puked.

"well I guess that answers my question" I mumbled.

I slowly got off the bed and slipped on his shirt and some panties, slowly and painfully walked to the bathroom.

Ughhh I hate throw up

I walked over to him and patted his back as he blew more chunks.

Last night wasn't bad. We had some wine and crackers then some steak and vodka, not a lot tho, then we fucked.

"ughhhh" he groaned flushing the toilet.

"This is why I don't drink, it makes me sick"

He slowly got up, and walked with me over to the sink.

"i'm sorry i'm sick mamas" he said washing his face.

"You ok I need to know what hurts or aches" I asked him as he rinsed his face and mouth.

He pointed to his stomach,neck and nose as he brushed his teeth.

"Awww I'm sorry" I said wrapping my arm around him.

He spits and rinses.

"it's ok" he mumbled.

He waited for me to brush my teeth before we walked back into the room and he grabbed some underwear and laid on me again.

I took his pony tail out and massaged his head as I was falling asleep I remembered some model agencies were look for new models.

I roll Jah off of my causing him to groan and try to get back on me.

"Wait Jah I gotta do something"

"and what's that?" he sniffed.

"I wanna do modeling and they have sign ups what ever the shits called" I said getting off the bed grabbing his laptop.

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