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I woke up to an alarm on my cedar wood nightstand. I pulled off my dark red bedspread and found on my bed some clothes. There was a pair of black leggings and a dark red tank. There were a pair of socks and some combat boots next to my bed. And a fresh pair if underwear.

I know I took a shower yesterday but I took another one right now. I put on the fresh clothes and folded my black sweat shorts and deep red cap sleeve tee on the bed. I hung the bra and underwear I wore last night on the shower rod. I looked in the mirror and put my hair in a long regular braid down my back using the red hair bands they supplied me.

Before leaving I looked at the clock. The alarm went off at 5:30am and it was now 6:05. I headed to the kitchen down stairs. I went to the kitchen and Ocean was cooking. I started to head upstairs then I realized I could not take no for an answer.

So I walked back to the kitchen door.

"Need any help?" Without turning around she said "not from you you'll most likely burn it." Having the temper I do I replied "at least I have more self control than you." I walked out of the door before she could answer.

I went back up the stairs to visit Edan. But I didn't want to disturb we hadn't really talked like friends since her father died. So I went to Chrys's room but he was in the shower. I felt like going to Wendell but we don't really talk much so I was clueless.

Then I remember there is someone who might understand me.

I knocked on her door. Marked "#4" "Ash?" She opened the door looking up at me. She was five inches shorter than me. She looked at me confused. "Can I talk to you." She gestured me in. Her room was exactly like mine. She sat on the red couch in the corner of the room. I sat by her.

This was awkward. She was like twelve I didn't know what to say. "Let me guess it's Ocean." She looked at me raising an eyebrow. " she had a deeper voice than I expected but not like a manly deep. "She has been getting on me too." She leaned back on the couch. "Yeah." I looked at her neat made bed.

"The question is why did you come to me?" I couldn't read her emotions. Her eyes were blank from any sign of sadness or anger. "Well I would go to Edan but we haven't been getting along lately, and Chrys was in the shower so I thought if anyone it would be you. I noticed she looked familiar in a way.

"Oh." She looked sad. "Well anyway you got any advice on Ocean?" "Oh she is afraid of being left out. She wants to be part of everything." "Thanks Ash. You know your a good friend." She smiled. I left the room. I went down stairs and found Wendell and Edan talking. I told them to come to the dining room. They sat and I set the table.

"I told you I don't need any help." Ocean said. "I know I just like helping people it's called 'being a good person '!" I yelled the last part. She rolled her eyes and sat down.

I saw Chrys sit open the door to the dining room. So I sat down a seat away from Edan. He sat between us.

Ocean turned red. She was sitting at the other end of the table. The rest came down. We were having pan fried potatoes with onions and peppers. To be honest the meal was a little watery.

"Today we will be training." Zoe said. I looked around the table. Zoe was wearing a yellow tank. Ocean was wearing a dark blue tank, Ash was wearing the same thing as me excerpt a lighter color, Edan was wearing a mint green tank, Chrys was wearing an ice blue muscle shirt, Wendell and Grant were wearing the same as Chrys except Wendell's shirt was gray and Grant's was brown.

We were all in color. I decided not to sat anything. We were all wearing black leggings except the boys they were wearing black sweatpants and combat boots. Except I was wearing black ones and so were others like Ash, Edan and Zoe but the rest were brown.

"We will be training to fight hand on hand combat. And Ash will teach you, she is the best of our team at combat fighting, then after lunch we will teach you how to use your power as weapons. Ocean will teach you that." Grant said getting up and taking his empty plate to the kitchen. I did the same.

I followed him to the secret bunker along with the crew. We headed down the stairs. The room was divided into four rooms. Grant took the first one to the right. It was a combat room.

"Ash take it away."

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