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I can't believe Blaze did that. I was heading to my death. It was over, game over.

The Hydras were taking us to a "feild" a carding to Blaze so they could blast a brains out. Blaze whispered to Wendell. Wendell nodded.

"hey no talking!" One of the Hydras spoke.

"Blaze mouthed words to Edan and she smiled. I was confused. She whispered to me next. "Chrys I need you to make a thick ice sheet when fog comes." I nodded.

I was still confused. We got to a courtyard. The alighted us and aimed guns at us.

Fog came in slowly.

They loaded their guns. I started concentrating on the ground and began creating a two feet wall of ice. They fog grew so I could barely see the Hydras. "On 3." One said. I couldn't see them. I grew the sheet fast. "1" it was above our waists. "2" it was at our necks. "3!" It was above outer heads.

I felt a vine around my waist pulling me. I followed and found the group. "Let's go!" I heard a spray of bullets. The confused voices faded. We ran to the craft. We boarded and took off.

"Girls we need to change I have extra close in the bunk area, hurry!" Zoe said. They ran into the bunk room and I was stuck with Grant and Wendell.

Five minutes later they came out in totally different outfits then what they usually wear. Blaze was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, and a lavender t-shirt. She wore dark purple converse hightops and a dark gray jacket. She wore a dark grey beanie and her hair remained down.

Edan was wearing light grey high wasted skinny jeans that went to her belly button. she had on a white sweater that stopped at her belly button with a tan cardigan over it. She had on dark grey uggs. Her hair was still curled but not up any more it was down and she had a white bandana on being used as a headband

Ash was wearing black leggings and a red sweatshirt. Her shoes were black flats. Her hair was in a waterfall braid. She wore thick black rimmed glasses that didn't help her sight what so ever.

Ocean had on black leggings and a maroon cap sleeve that said "I 'heart' nerds" and her hair was in a high ponytail. She wore brown combat boots.

Zoe was wearing regular jeans with a pink jacket zipped to the top that said "YOLO" her hair was the same and her shoes were black tennis shoes.

I went in with the guys and got changed in to different clothes.

I was wearing a blue sweatshirt with grey jeans and tennis shoes.

Wendell was wearing black denim jeans and a white button up shirt that was short long sleeved. He had on funny looking cowboy boots.

Grant wore jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. He also wore tennis shoes.

We all weren't wearing are usual colors. "Hey Zoe why aren't we wearing are usual colors?" I asked her "It's so we look like regular teenagers." she answered. "Don't we look a little... Um.... Ridiculous?" Ocean held her shirt out in confusment. "Teenagers out age do look ridiculous." She raised an eyebrow.

"These outfits are a little warm too" Blaze pursed her lips. "It's cold outside, it's almost winter."

I realized it was a little cold I just ignored it.

I suddenly heard an alarm and beeping. Grant took the wheel. "They are shooting at us. We have an engine failure, we are going down." Ocean handed us parachutes.

I put mine on. Blaze and Edan grabbed their bag. Wendell grabbed his weapon and Blaze's. We jumped out of the craft as it hurled down to earth.

I pulled my shoot. We fell slowly to the ground. When we landed.

We heard broadcasting. "If anyone sees nine suspicious kids. Report to the president. Thank you." It was a mans voice.

"We need to split up so we don't get caught." Edan said taking off her shoot.

"Okay Blaze, Chrys and Ash, go downtown, Edan and Wendell go uptown. I'll stay around this area with Ocean and Grant. Look for a shop motel called Benny's Beds. He'll house us and give us a place to stay."

Blaze handed up each group a round spherical disc that had buttons. "We can use these to get in touch."

We split up.

We started walking through the streets looking out for the place. A guy looked at us suspiciously. "Sissy, I want ice cream." Ash tugged on Blazes sleeve. Blaze took off her jacket and tied it around her waist. She winked at Ash. We came to a stoplight. I recognized a guy from the conference.

"I've heard it makes people uncomfortable when public affection happens." Blaze whispered to me. "What?" Blaze kissed me. I noticed he turned away. "Ewww Sissy, that's gross." Ash said in a high voice.

Blaze release when the light turned red and we could walk across the street.

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