~~~~~~~~~~??? POV~~~~~~~~~~
I watched as another car pulled into the driveway. An average looking couple came out followed by their daughter. A few seconds later, an emo-goth guy came out of the other side. I watched as the emo kid grabbed all the family's luggage and started to drag it after the rest of his family. I watched from my perch on the second floor of a nearby cafe. For some reason, that kid interested me. "I'll ask my dad about it later," I mumbled to myself.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mitch's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mother had met up with two of her friends from work. In that time, I got the feeling of being watched and I learned that two of the most popular kids at school's mom was friends with my mom. The bad thing was that the two of them took turns beating me up and laughing at me.
"Why don't you four go talk somewhere." Their mom suggested. Luna and I sat a table two over from Mother and Father. To my dismay, The two boys sat across from us.
"Hey, Tristan, Carter." I addressed each in turn. They were twins, a grade above me which made them seventeen. Both had identical looks with brown hair and soft features. The only difference was that Tristan had dark green eyes and Carter had brown eyes.
"What's up, loser? I didn't expect you to be here." Carter said.
"Who knew that even the school's wimpiest kid was a spoiled rich kid," Tristan smirked.
"Who knew that my brother's school was filled with jackasses," Luna responded in turn. "Honestly, do you have to deal with people like this every day?"
I covered up my laughter with a cough. "Luna, be nice to the natives. Father would ground you if you used that kind of language in front of him." I playfully scolded.
The twins were silent for the rest of the time we had to sit together while we and Luna joked around. Everyone had to wait in the enormous lobby until we got our room assignments.
"I wonder why everyone has to wait in the lobby. I was sure that there would be a least a few families checking in." Luna wondered.
"Don't you remember this morning?" I asked her. She shook her head. I sighed. "The three bastards were talking about how they own this establishment and booked the entire place for this event of theirs.
"Oh right! I remember now." She said. "I'm gonna go get a drink. Want anything?"
"I'm good," I responded.
"Water it is then." She ran off before I could protest. I sat there in silence until I heard Tristan's voice.
"It's weird hearing the mute talk so much. Right Carter?" Tristan locked his eyes on me.
"You're right about that. But it's mostly the ditzy sister of his talking. Kind of annoying actually." Carter responded.
I saw my sister coming back. She sat down and looked at me quizzically. "Plug your ears for a minute." She did as she was told and I got to work.
I leaned my elbows on the table and mustered up the most threatening tone I could. "I'm going to say this once, and only once. You can beat me, call me names, laugh at me, or even kill me. But if you insult my sister one more time, I will gut you where you stand. Touch her, and there won't be anything modern medicine can do to fix you. Are we clear?" They both nodded and I slammed my hands down on the table, causing them both to jump back in their seats. "Oh look, our parents are calling us over. Let's go." I casually grabbed the water that Luna had set on the table. "Filthy cowards," I muttered.

Three Months In Hell
FantasyMitchell Lee had a relatively okay life. The main problem is his home life. He is a sixteen-year-old bisexual male who hates the world and almost everyone in it because of his parents. Both of his parents abusive him because of the one night stand...