What To Do

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~~~~~~~~~~Alex's POV~~~~~~~~~~

"I'm sorry..." Mitch whispered right before he collapsed. Luna was sobbing into Nik's chest while Mom checked Mitch for anything that might have caused this. My mind was still whirling from his earlier outburst. Luna had playfully asked why he had to be the voice of reason and he nonchalantly said, "Because I fucked up my life before you were born and now I'm just trying to keep from fucking it up more."

"Ivan, carry him to the empty room across from ours. I'll be up shortly." Mom turned to me. "Alex, I need you to get Luna to calm down." She and Dad hurried away. Then I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Alex...? What happened to Mitchy?" Quinn asked me.

"He wasn't feeling too good so he fell asleep." I lied. I didn't need Quinn to get scared and start crying. "Why don't you and the twins plat for a little while. Luna, Nik, Derek and I are gonna go make lunch." I motioned for the guys to follow me. Nik had to carry Luna to get her to come.

"Why does this always happen to him?" Luna whimpered. "Every time something good happens, ten bad things happen."

"Guys, can you make something for everyone to eat?" They nodded and I took Luna out of Nik's arms. Her green eyes were red and puffy. I felt really bad for her. It sounded like this kind of stuff happened to Mitch all the time. "Come on, Luna. Let's go talk in my room." I carried her to my room and set her on the bed. She grabbed one of my pillows and started to sob into it. I stroked her hair soothingly until she calmed a degree.

"Your brother is going to be fine," I told her. "My Mom will go down to the hells if that's what it takes." That seemed help calm her.

"Mitch used to tell me stories of when he was younger and Mum and Dad were still loving toward him." Luna started saying. "He said that they were the best parents one could ask for. Mum took him on walks to the nearby park and Dad taught him different spells from the books he read. But he never told me what happened to change their personalities so drastically. Mitch used to tell me that he thought that an Evil Spirit possessed them, but one day, he stopped talking about it." Luna started to cry again as I processed what she told me.

It sounded like Mitch was super superstitious and religious. When Luna calmed down again, I asked, "Are you and your brother religious?"

Luna nodded. "I pray to the Goddesses Moon and Sea," She sniffed. "But Mitch never told me who he prayed to. I just know that he prays to someone because he locks himself in his room on Saturday nights. Why?"

"Because once you calm down, I'm going to have Mom pray with you. I would do it but I only follow God Sun. Mom follows Earth, Sea, and Moon. Would you like that?" She nodded.

"Could you leave me alone for a minute so I can compose myself?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be right outside when you're ready to go back." I stood up and left the room. I had even more questions now. I sighed, I was just giving myself a headache. Minutes later, Luna came out of my room. She looked better, but her eyes were still red and her hair was slightly askew. I fixed her hair and asked, "You ready to go?" She nodded.

I led her to the room Mom was talking about earlier. Just as I was about to knock, Mom came out. "Shhh!" She whispered. She quickly closed the door and sighed. "He's finally calmed down."

"Umm..." Luna said hesitantly. "Alex told me that you prayed to the Goddesses Moon and Sea and I was wondering if you would...umm...pray with me?"

"Of course sweetheart! Let's go!" Mom dragged Luna to her personal praying room, Leaving me all alone. I sighed and looked at the door. "What am I going to do?" I asked.

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