Talking with the Gods... Again

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"You seem to be in some serious shit," I heard a more familiar voice say. I didn't bother looking to see who it was. "Moon told me that she broke you. Do you want to talk about it?" The man came into my line of sight. His fiery hair and orange eyes basically glowed in the blackness.

I shook my head and hoped he would leave. Sadly he didn't.

"Too bad." Father Sun said. "You talk to all of us gods and goddesses like we are just regular people. In all of the centuries, nobody has done that. So what made you decide to do that?"

"The fuck does that have to do with anything?" I asked. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Just answer the question the question." He said.

I sighed. "Because in the books that I read, they made it sound like everyone praised and looked up to you except for the other gods and goddesses. I just thought that you all would like to just have a normal friend instead of all that boring ritual praying stuff."

"That's why us gods like talking back to you. We found it interesting and after getting to know you more, we started to open up to you as well." Father Sun said.

"I know that. I was kind of there," I responded.

"Sit down with your parents and talk with them. The spirits may be in control, but they've watched you grow. My time is done here, I'll talk to you soon."

I felt his presence disappear and a new one appear. "Goddamnit, just spare me the emotional talks," I growled.

"That's not very nice," Sister Sea said. "I just wanted to talk about your sister."

That got my attention. "What about my sister?" I asked.

"I got to see her for the first time yesterday." She said. "She is one of the sweetest things that I have ever met. She was super worried about you and wanted to keep all that bad stuff from happening to you."

I grunted. "Yeah, 'bad stuff' tends to beat the shit out of me on a daily bases." Sister Sea came over and hugged me.

"Just be there for your sister when she's sad. Encourage her more and love her. She adores you and the ground you stand on. She just wants a brother. So can you try to be there?"

No matter what, I could never be angry at her. She acted like a small child with the wisdom of the ages. "Fine..." I mumbled. 

"Yay! I wish I could stay longer but it's my brother's turn." Sister Sea slowly faded away and Brother Wind replaced her.

"Hey, Mitchell! It's been a while!" Out of all the gods, Brother Wind was the most joy-filled. "Moon told me and the others about how you need to get rid of those spirits in your parents."

"What about it?" I said. Brother Wind had brown hair flecked with almost every other colour of hair imaginable. His eyes were green flecked with yellow. "Are you here to tell me what to do too?"

"Nope. I assumed Mum, Dad, and my sisters did a fine job of that already." Brother Wind said.

"Thanks," I muttered. "I could really use a break from all that."

Brother Wind nodded and patted my head. "Don't be too mad at them. Terra used to pray to all of us and we liked her a lot. They also don't like seeing the spirits abuse you. Take advantage of the advice we're giving you, it'll come in handy." With that, Brother Wind faded away.

"I thought that you weren't gonna give me any advice," I called as Mother Earth manifested in front of me.

"Hello, child." She said. Her dark skin was complemented by her golden brown hair. Her eyes seemed to change into different shades of green, hazel, and brown. 

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