~~~~~~~~~~Mitch's POV~~~~~~~~~~
I heard the door slam open and Alex mutter, "Oh shit." I transformed in the blink of an eye and turned to face the new problem. I saw three men and three women coming in. I realized that it was my roommates' parents. I sighed and added more water to the pot.
"I assume that you six will be joining us for dinner." I smiled kindly at them. I hate adults. Always come to boss and tell the youngers what to do.
"Why yes, we are!" A brown-haired woman said. She had the same sapphire eyes has her son, Alex.
"Then come in and take a seat! I'm making vegetable soup, so it will be done soon." The lot of them came in and took seats. I turned around and listened to their conversations. I started preparing the different vegetables.
"It's good to see you boys again," What I assumed to be Nik's mum. She's a werewolf had dirty blond hair and bottle green eyes. She and Nik looked almost exactly alike.
"It's good to see you too," Nik answered. "Sorry about our outfits though. We basically just got back from the water park.
"That's alright," Derek's mum said. She was a werewolf with dirty blond hair as well with brown eyes. Derek looked nothing like either of his parents. He had dark brown hair with brown-hazel eyes. "We've walked in on you wearing worse."
"Don't remind me..." Nik said. Everyone behind me laughed. "Anyways, how have things been going for you?"
"We've been busy, but we've still managed to have fun." Derek's mum said. "But enough about us. I want to know about the more about the mysterious kid cooking."
I took a deep breath and turned around. I flashed a smile and asked, "What would you like to know?" Damn I hated being polite.
"What's your name, for starters." Derek's mum asked.
"Mitchell. You?" I shot back.
"I'm Derek's mom, Susanna. Nik's mom's name is Lynn, and Alex's mom's name is Lydia." Susanna said.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all," I said. I turned around and stirred the soup. I turned off the burner and dished out bowls. "I hope you like it."
I took out my phone. I had a bunch of messages and missed calls. I shut off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I sat down and watched the others eat. "This is delicious! Are you not going to eat?" Gabryell asked.
"I had a big lunch, so I'm not hungry," I responded. The truth was that I usually only eat one meal per day so I'm never all that hungry.
"I thought you said that you were self-conscious about your scars," Ivan commented.
"I am, but your son was super insistent that I wore this today," I responded.
"Also, how did you get those marks on your face?" Ivan asked.
"Bitch, please." I thought. Aloud, I said, "I got the cut from tripping and today at the waterpark, I accidentally pissed some guy off, causing him to punch me."
"Oh, are you alright?" Lydia asked.
"I'm fine." I smiled at her. "There's no need to worry about me."
"I'm curious about something," Susanna said. "Usually I can tell the feelings of those around me, but I can't read you. Are you some prodigy magiks user?"
I actually laughed. "Sorry, no. The prodigy is my sister. I just know how to put up a mental wall to protect myself from unwanted threats."
"I see," Susanna said. "Well, thank you for the amazing meal. You must teach me this recipe sometime."
"Will do. But I must excuse myself now. It's getting rather late and I would like to go to bed." I smiled, got up, and walked to my room. I walked to my closet and changed out of my swim trunks. I changed into black sweatpants and a black hoodie. I jumped onto my bed and started to go through my messages. I ignored the calls and went to the messages. Ten of them were from Luna telling me about her day, and I had three from 'The Bitch that Birthd Me'. I opened up the messages and read them.
'Bastard! Who do you think you are! You better not be messing anything up for me and your Father.'
'You will meet up with me in one week. It will be at the same cafe, so don't be late.'
'Also, don't tell your friends about meeting with me. If you bring them, there will be punishment.'
"Whoopty fucking doo," I said to myself. I closed my eyes for a split second before hearing a knock on my door. I growled softly before saying, "Enter."
Ivan Sosa came in and closed the door behind him. "I've noticed that your parents have an extreme lack of interest in you."
I rolled my eyes at him. "Not this again," I growled. "Look. I don't trust you, and you have no reason to trust me. I don't care what you think about my relationship between me and my parents. I just want a peaceful summer without any harassment from you or anyone else. Now please leave me alone." I turned on my side away from him. What I didn't expect was for the man to come over to my bed and grab me. He dragged me all the way to the bathroom. I protested the entire time.
"Shut your mouth and listen." He growled into my ear. "Even someone as dense as Gabryell has noticed that you look dead. You look broken and sound like a machine. Look at yourself. You may look to be in perfect health, but you're not. I want to help. I don't know what your situation is, but I know it's bad. The only time you seem like yourself is when you are pissed off and away from your parents." He took a breath and was about to continue, but I elbowed the air out of him. He doubled over and I knocked him to the floor. I bunched my fist in his shirt and kneeled next to him.
"I don't like hurting people, but I will when I need to get a point across. I don't want, nor need your pity. Just leave me the fuck alone. Like I said when we first meet. But out of other peoples business. Leave me alone." I yanked the mountain of a man up and dragged him out of my room. Once I let go of him, he stalked out of the room.
"What did you do to piss him off?" Alex asked.
"He pissed me off first. Whatever happened to him was his own fault." I guessed Nik and Derek had turned in for the night. I was about to do the same, but Alex somehow got right in front of me. "Umm... What are you doing?" I asked.
He smirked down at me. Before I knew what was going on, Alex had picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He carried me to my room and shut the door. he tossed me down on the bed and laid down on top of me. "Go to sleep." He mumbled.
"The fuck is wrong with you?" Get off!" I protested. "You're suffocating me!" I tried to push him off but he had my arms pinned.
"If you can yell at me, you can breathe. Now go to sleep." Alex responded. I struggled for a little while longer and eventually gave up. Alex had somehow already fallen asleep and soon I followed him.
~~~~~~~~Alex's POV~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up to Mitch twisting and turning under me. It was 3 am. Mitch kept mumbling in that weird language he and Luna were talking in the other day. Suddenly, he switched to English.
"Mommy, what's wrong?" He said. "Mommy? No! Please stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please stop! Please tell me what I did so I can fix it... Please... Mommy... I'm...sor...sorry." He suddenly stopped whimpering out the pleas and went silent, like that never happened. I stared down at him in shock. He looked peaceful now. His ears and tail had come back sometime during the night. He looked super cute sleeping.
"I'm sorry that you've gone through such terrible things," I whispered. I gently placed a kiss to his forehead.

Three Months In Hell
FantasíaMitchell Lee had a relatively okay life. The main problem is his home life. He is a sixteen-year-old bisexual male who hates the world and almost everyone in it because of his parents. Both of his parents abusive him because of the one night stand...