Chapter 11

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When Sarah and Romelle started to wrap up, one of the MFE pilots, James Griffin, as well as Nadia approached them. Sarah was glad that James had grown up a lot so that Keith didn't have to worry about getting into more fights with him, but seeing him still made her shoulders tense automatically. Sarah held a bag open for Romelle to put their supplies and tools in.

"You guys are almost done right? Some of us were going to go hang out in the REC room and we wanted to see if you guys wanted to come too," Nadia told them. She tried to casually stand by Sarah and nudged her in the side. "We can talk about your lover boy. Sources say you guys were getting pretty lovey in the hallway a little bit ago."

Sarah nearly dropped the bag. Who saw them? They both checked to make sure the coast was clear, as neither wanted their relationship to be made too public. "I should have known someone would see," she sighed.

"Wait really? I didn't-when did this happen? I was making it up!" Nadia held onto her head and bent her knees, shocked. Then she stood up straight, put her hands on Sarah's shoulders, and gave her a little shake. "You have to tell me everything that happened!"

"No way! I don't want to give you any more ammunition to tease Keith." While Sarah secretly loved being teased about it, Keith absolutely hated it.

Romelle found a random roll of gauze and dropped it into the bag. "That should be it, Sarah. Thank you for your help."

"I wish I could have done more to help," Sarah said. "I'm sorry I have issues with blood."

"Think nothing of it. You were a help by giving me what I need." She took the bag from Sarah's hands with a smile. "Go on. I'll join you soon."


In the REC room, Sarah sat next to Nadia at a table, watching the rest of the MFE pilots battle it out in a game of foosball. So far Ina Leifsdottir was crushing the other two boys, Ryan Kinkade and James Griffin, somehow managing to remain stone-faced while the other two shouted until they were red in the face. A fight eventually broke out between the two boys, something about Kinkade's defense not being strong enough and James not being "as quick on the field as he is with a joystick," whatever that meant.

While that happened, Sarah drew a simple smiley face on a piece of paper. She and Nadia passed it back and forth, each adding something onto it to make it uglier and uglier.

"How many years has he been in prison, do you think?" Sarah wondered out loud.

Nadia carefully drew three cards on the person's cheek, all with the number 6. She took her time to make them look realistic. The cards looked out of place on the crude, cartoonish drawing, but in a comical way. "A long time, obviously. I don't think tattoos are easy to get in prison." After adding some shadows she slid the paper over to Sarah.

Sarah considered what to add. Their drawing was really ugly, with a patchy mustache that curled at the ends, an eyepatch with a huge jagged scar behind it, huge elfish ears, no eyebrows, a long tooth that stuck out of his closed mouth, tear drops at the corner of his eye, and the three cards. Ah, yes, she knew what she could add: a huge nose with nose hairs. "My uncle went to prison. He came back a member of some gang, I can't remember which one, and my dad cut him off. No more Uncle Mike." She passed the paper to Nadia, who drew several earrings on his ears. "He used to show up at out house, but then we moved so that I could be closer to the Garrison and my parents could be with me and my brother, because he was also going here at the time."

"Where did you guys move from?" Nadia asked, passing the paper back.

"Wyoming," Sarah replied simply, "and I've always wanted to go back, but I also really wanted to go to space... I figured I could just go back to Wyoming when I retired." She drew a body with the intention of the person wearing a long sleeved shirt with a really deep v-neck, and strings crisscrossing to connect the sides of the v-neck, then slid the paper over.

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