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Rage. Hurt. Betrayal. Emptiness.
Those were the four emotions that coursed through your veins each day that you saw Jaebum leave and go to see the woman he had been seeing behind your back for the past 2 months. You had found out almost immediately as you knew Jaebum from the inside out – you knew him better than he knew himself. Everything about him, right down to his tiny little habits that you always found adorable were off since he began cheating on you. You often asked yourself "Why?" Why didn't you confront him about it as soon as you saw her text asking him to meet her at a hotel? Why didn't you bring it up in conversation when he asked you about your day during the dinner that you stood and cooked for him? Why didn't you let it slip past your lips when he came home after practice and made hot, sweaty love to you in between your moans? You didn't have a complete answer for that thus far. Maybe, a part of you wanted to think that his act of betrayal was just a fling – that it would end just as fast as it began; but here you were, standing outside a bar that Jaebum often frequented with his bit on the side, 2 months down the line – more furious than ever.
As you stood peering through the dark, dank windows – you felt yourself balling your fists up as you saw his hand trace its way up her sleek, smooth leg while she draped herself around him, smiling and giggling girlishly into the crook of his neck while he donned the shirt you bought for him last Christmas. You almost cackled in the form of spitting venom when his hand sneaked between her thighs, cupping her warm core as she bit her lip at his cheeky, daring action in public. You could practically feel the rage consume you from the inside out as you felt the feet of flames rise from the back of your neck and dance across your shoulder blades. You didn't know if you were about to burst out in tears or projectile vomit at the sight of your boyfriends infidelity, but you stood there and stared at him doing it nonetheless. You wanted to run in there and rip him a new asshole, throw his cheap whiskey all around him and tell him that everything between the both of you was over, but you couldn't for the life of you. Why? Because despite how he had been treating you, despite all the lies and all the hurt he had bestowed upon you with his cheating, you still held on to the fact that a few months ago – your relationship was something out of one of your day dreams, and you couldn't help but ask yourself "When did it all go wrong?"
You felt tears begin to stream down your face as you turned on your heel and went to run across the road back to your car so you could drive all night to no place in particular until every ounce of gas was gone from your tank. You blinked, feeling the salty water from your eyes sting you and blur your vision as you dry heaved in an attempt to silence your crying. All you could hear was the ringing in your ears from your hypersensitive emotions – but this meant that you also couldn't hear the car that was now 5 feet away from you laying on the horn and screeching at 50mph. You stopped, knowing that it was too late and being caught like a complete deer in headlights, just watching as the car skidded right in your direction. It was just like it was in the movies; your whole life flashed before your eyes – and funnily enough, most of them were the memories you held so close to your heart that happened between you and Jaebum and the rest of GOT7. You couldn't have been sure, but as as the car came in full contact with you and sent you rolling over the windshield and hurtling over the top of the car before landing with a raging thud on the ground, your body as lifeless as a dead corpse – for a moment, you were sure that you smiled.

Jackson took the steps up to the dorms two at a time, his gym bag swung over his shoulder as he hummed incessantly to a random tune he had stuck in his head all day. As he unlocked the door and let himself inside to the warmth of his home, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket – a call. Upon taking it out quickly, he seen your caller ID flash up on the screen, smiling as he answered it and put the phone to his ear.
"Hey hey hey, what's up lil lady?" he chimed, closing the door behind him to keep in the heat of the dorm.
"Hello, is this Jackson I'm speaking to?" he heard a woman's voice that was certainly not yours address him from the other end of the phone.
"Uhh...yes? Where is (Y/N)? Why are you calling from her number?" he felt confusion fill him as he walked into the living room, being met by Mark and Jinyoung who looked up at him, hearing the tail end of his conversation.
"Jackson, my name is Nurse Kim Inhye at Gangnam Severance Hospital. I am calling you because you were the last person in (Y/N)'s message list so we assumed you were her boyfriend, brother or friend. Now, this may come as quite a shock to you, but (Y/N) was admitted no less than 30 minutes ago and she is in critical condition. If you can, please make your way to the hospital or contact her immediate family. Just go to the front desk and ask to speak to me, Nurse Kim Inhye, and I will come and get you immediately." The nurse said very quickly. Jackson flicked his eyes over to Mark and Jinyoung who were now staring at him in complete confusion – not knowing the extent of his conversation with the Nurse as Jackson replied hastily.
"Right, I'll be there right away" he said immediately before standing still in the middle of the room, looking at Mark and Jinyoung who were both just sitting on the sofa, looking back at him.
"(Y/N)'s in hospital and they called me – we have to go right away" he blurted out, his fight or flight mode kicking in as he hastily grabbed his gym bag and dumped his clothes out of it, searching the room for clean clothes and not really knowing what else he should take with him.
"What? What do you mean she's in hospital?" Jinyoung took to his feet, walking over to face Jackson and seeing pure panic spread across his features.
"The nurse called me from her phone and she just said she's in hospital in a critical condition!" Jackson raised his voice as he shoved random things in his bag. Mark scrambled up from the sofa, walking towards the both of them – all three of them wide eyed and absolutely in terror.
"We're coming with you. I'll call a taxi and you two get in contact with JB and the others" all three of them nodded in agreement as they all went about their separate jobs – Jinyoung calling the others while Jackson called Jaebum.
"He's not fucking answering..." Jackson mumbled as they made their way out of the dorm to wait for the taxi.
"Well, keep trying. Where the hell is he? Wasn't he with (Y/N) tonight?" Jinyoung took Jackson's bag off him to hold it for him – obviously seeing how stressed Jackson was over the whole situation and just wanting to lessen any burden he could.
As all three of them watched out for the taxi, Jackson shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "(Y/N) sent me a text saying she was like, going for a walk to check something out. And that's the last I heard from her." He dipped his voice as he looked Jinyoung in the eye.
"Right, I just got in contact with the boys and they'll meet us at the hospital. Any luck with JB?" Mark ended his call with an extremely worried Yugyeom and BamBam on the other end as they seen the taxi roll up in front of them.
"No – I've no idea where he is. He's not answering any of my calls" Jackson sighed as he opened the door and all three of them filed into the taxi, telling the driver where to go and to floor it – trying to get there as fast as possible to find out the full situation that you currently found yourself in.
As Jaebum strolled out of one of the love-hotels he frequented with the woman he was cheating on you with, he looked down to his watch for the time. "1:31am" it read as he walked through the doors, making his way back to the dorm to get a shower and clean up before sauntering back to your apartment and crawling into bed with you – having his cake and eating it too. After the many corner turns and backstreet passages, he pulled out his phone to check if you'd left him any messages, only to be met with 100+ missed called from mostly Jackson and Jinyoung – all from his other members. Jaebum felt his neck get slightly hot as he immediately dialled Jackson's number, hearing it ring and ring and ring before going to voicemail. He cursed under his breath, his walking getting hastier to get home as quick as possible as he tried the other boys; only to be met with the same thing.
"Well, it can't be that important then if none of you are answering me now" he said to no one as he arrived at the dorm, opening the door to be met by complete darkness.
"Hello?" he called out, hearing Coco bark excitedly in the play pen and not much else as he flicked all the lights on – seeing the living room in a complete tip with Jacksons dirty gym clothes sprawled out on the floor. Jaebum shook his head in annoyance before he began stripping off, making his way into the shower to wash off the guilt and shame of sleeping with another woman behind your back.
Stepping into the shower and feeling the hot water hit his skin, he put on his usual body wash – deterring the smell of cheap whiskey and perfume as he let it all seep down the plug hole, placing his hand on the tiles as he breathed deeply. "Jaebum....what the fuck are you doing?" he thought as he imagined you home alone, curled up in one of his oversized t-shirts in bed and waiting for him to come and snuggle you from behind – the thought alone making him smile yet wince in absolute sin, knowing that what he had been doing was so blameworthy and disgusting – but mostly; completely unfair to you, the woman who he was supposed to love, the woman who he knew would do absolutely anything for him.
As he grabbed his towel off the rack, drying himself off before changing into his comfy sweatpants and tank-shirt, Jaebum's phone began ringing from the other side of the bathroom. Ruffling his hair with the towel and secretly hoping that it was you calling him, he seen Jackson's ID calling instead.
"Hey, what's up?" Jaebum answered, speaking ever-so-nonchalantly.
"What's up? Where the fuck have you been Jaebum?" Jackson spat at him. Jaebum scrunched his eyebrows together, not believing the tone coming from Jackson's mouth.
"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to right now? And why all the crazy calling, who's dead?" he joked sarcastically, making his way back into the living room and flopping down on the sofa – kicking Jackson's sweaty boxers away from his foot.
"Huh, it's very ironic you should say that. (Y/N) is in the severance hospital and she's in surgery right now. All of us have been here for the past 4 hours waiting for news and trying to get in contact with you. If you even care, you should – I don't know, grace us with your presence." Jackson hung up abruptly, leaving Jaebum in complete silence in the sitting room with his phone still connected to his ear.
It was then, Jaebum heard alarm bells resound throughout every corner of his mind as he didn't even bother putting on a jacket, shoving on the closest pair of shoes as he bolted out the door, not even being sure if he locked it behind him but he didn't care. All he knew, was he needed to get to you as soon as possible, whatever it took.

Arriving at the hospital in record time, Jaebum sprinted his way towards the escalators – running as fast as he could to the top while managing to frighten the younger looking receptionist behind the desk, doing her daily night shift as she often did.
"My girlfriend" he gasped as he felt his lungs burn now that he stopped to catch his breath "My girlfriend (Y/N) was taken here a few hours ago and now she's in surgery, can you tell me where she is? My friends are here waiting for her – there's 6 of them" he said all in one go, leaning over the desk and feeling like he was about to pass out. The receptionist gave him a strange, unfamiliar look while she checked your information on her computer.
"Ah yes – please go down this hallway and take the elevator to the 4th floor – your friends should be in the waiting room" she carefully pointed Jaebum in the right direction. It wasn't an uncommon thing to see the panicked faces of loved ones asking where they should go, but something about Jaebum frightened her; yet she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Without further hesitation, Jaebum ran off in the direction of the elevator, slamming his fingers on the buttons in the hopes it would come quicker – cursing under his breath when he seen it stop on the many floors above.
"Fuck sake" he shouted, before spying the stairwell door to his left and deciding that he could sprint up the stairs faster, each step taking him that bit closer to you as his fight or flight instinct kicked in – adrenaline coursing through his veins as he leaped up the four flights of stairs as if his very life depended on it.
"Did he say much on the phone, hyung?" BamBam asked Jackson, watching him pace back and forth around the empty waiting room – the static of the television and the cold buzz from the vending machines being the only sounds that filled their ears – along with the bright, unforgiving lights that lit up the room and the sterile, sickening smell of a typical hospital.
Jackson stopped in front of Yugyeom and Youngjae, their faces donning expressions of confusion, worry and disbelief as the news of your accident settled into everyone's minds. "Well you guys heard what I said – he seemed pretty calm. But I hung up before he could answer me." Jackson muttered under his breath, every so often looking off in the direction of where the surgeon had exited – moments after talking to all 6 of them.
"She's in critical condition so we have to operate on her now" Jackson recalled the surgeons desensitised way of speaking about such matters. "We have found two intracranial lesions from her scans, so time is of the essence – we'll let you know how the surgery goes soon"
"An intracranial...what?" Yugyeom asked as the surgeon hurried off to join you in theatre before Jinyoung flashed a look of horror between all of them, never being so scared in his entire life.
"An intracranial lesion is a bleed on the brain. She has 2 bleeds on her brain" he had answered.
Jackson shook his head, trying to focus on what was happening right then and there when all 6 of the boys heard a door swing open and panicked footsteps running towards them.
"Speak of the devil" Youngjae muttered underneath his breath, not one of them standing up to greet Jaebum except Jackson who was already on his feet.
"Where is she?!" Jaebum panted as he stopped a few feet away from Jackson, terror and fear inhabiting his dark orbs as he looked around the room, noticing an element of oddness from his members faces as they all avoided direct eye contact with him – all except Jinyoung and Jackson.
"I could ask you the same question" Jackson stepped closer, squaring up to his leader as his eyes burned into the back of Jaebum's skull. Jinyoung and Mark stood up immediately, prepared to break up a fight with the way Jackson was almost cornering Jaebum – like two bulls in a china shop.
"I was – I was out for a run and I didn't get any of the calls because I had my phone on silent" Jaebum lied through his teeth, knowing that right now – if he told Jackson what he was really doing, he wouldn't really be in a position to defend himself. He knew that Jackson was your best friend and if he ever found where he really was; there would be hell to pay for the atonement of his sins.
"You were out for a run? For 4 fucking hours? Come on Jaebum, don't lie to my face" Jackson pressed his chest up against Jaebum's as he pushed him against the wall, Jinyoung and Mark swiftly stepping in to pull the two boys apart before someone else would end up needing surgery that night.
"Stop fighting for god sake" Mark put his hands on Jacksons shoulders, feeling the raging heat radiating from his body as his chest rose and fell with his angry breathing while Jaebum looked at him, guilty as sin.
"We can all fight about this later, right now we have to keep calm for (Y/N). She needs us now – more than ever" Jinyoung looked intently at Jackson, knowing that his words about you would ring through his thick, heated skull as Jackson nodded, looking back at Jaebum before letting out a disgruntled sigh, extending his hand out to him.
"Sorry man" Jackson whispered softly. "I'm just scared. I'm sorry for taking it out on you."
Jaebum breathed a silent sigh of relief as he took his friends hand in his while Jackson pulled him in for a one armed hug – the other boys now being able to stop holding their breaths at the thought of Jackson and Jaebum locking horns in the middle of the night at a public hospital.
"She's been in there for 4 hours now?" Jaebum asked as he stepped back from Jackson, the thoughts of you lying on a surgery table flooding his mind with turmoil and grief.
"Coming on 5 now. No word from the doctors yet" Mark replied as he sat back down, looking at BamBam who was curled up in his seat, worried sick about you as he curled his knees into his chest.
"Did any of you manage to hear what happened?" was his next question.
"She was hit by a car doing the legal speed limit – an eyewitness said she was standing on the side of the street before she ran blindly on to the road without looking...and then it happened" Youngjae looked to Jaebum before letting his eyes fall to the ground, trying to push the thoughts of what it must have been like for you completely out of his mind as he felt sick with negativity.
Jaebum shifted his weight from foot to foot, not even thinking to ask what street the accident happened on with the amount of thoughts flying through his head faster than the car that hit you. "That's so unlike her...she's always so careful and street wary. What the hell was she doing..." he lamented, sitting down on the sit in between BamBam and Yugyeom, cradling his head in his hands as he thought back to what he was doing at that exact moment in time – chatting up his fancy woman and having his cheap whiskey on the rocks with the thoughts of being balls deep in her engulfing him in the hotel afterwards. Jaebum couldn't even explain to himself how he first began cheating on you – it started when he first met the woman – Mia, at one of GOT7's photo-shoots. She was a model and was booked in to use the venue after them. One thing led to another and he started meeting Mia at odd times of the night, after practice or whenever he felt bored. Did he love her? Absolutely not, his heart only belonged to you – or so he tried to convince himself every time he started to feel the shame and disgrace of being disloyal to you. And now – with the thought of potentially loosing you and never being able to tell you the truth; Jaebum's mind went into overdrive as he couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face. Tears of sadness, regret, guilt, remorse and frustration.
"Mr. Wang?"
All 7 of the boys immediately shot their heads up to the voice that was calling Jackson, everyone except Jaebum recognising him as the surgeon from earlier as Jackson nearly tripped over his own feet to walk towards him.
"Yes that's me, well? Is she okay? Did the surgery go well? Is she in recovery?" Jackson spilled question after question as the other boys gathered around him, Jinyoung placing his hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him as they all crossed their fingers in the hope of hearing good news.
The surgeon took a deep breath before smiling dryly. "(Y/N)'s surgery was a success, we managed to remove all of the intracranial lesions before her brain started to swell even more than it already had and she's in recovery now" he paused, watching their faces light up at the good news. "However, due to the head trauma she received on impact with the vehicle, (Y/N) is currently in a coma."
Jaebum couldn't believe the words that came out of the surgeon's mouth. "A coma?" he echoed throughout his mind as he swallowed hard before taking a harsh breath in.
"When will she wake up? She'll wake up, right?" he stepped a little closer to him.
"What you have to understand is...(Y/N)'s case is quite an interesting one. She received no broken bones, no fractures – just the head trauma and a few bruises here and there. She's lucky she even made it here in the first place" he spoke honestly, his words sending shivers up and down each boys body as Jaebum began feeling sick and light headed. "Coma patients vary from situation to situation. She may wake up tomorrow, next week, next month..." he paused once more, choosing his words very carefully. "...she may never wake up at all. Whatever luck that brought (Y/N) here tonight...I hope it stays with her. We don't understand how she's still alive at this point."
You could have heard a pin drop in the waiting room as the boys just stood there, not knowing how to react or what to say.
"...when she wakes up, what can we expect?" Jackson was the first to speak.
"Again, this can vary from patient to patient. But with the amount of trauma she received...if she wakes up – the worst case scenario is her being in a vegetative state for the rest of her life. But that's for when she wakes up, for now – there's nothing more we can do other than make her comfortable and check her vitals. A nurse will be along soon to let you all know when you can see her in her room" he smiled as he bowed slightly, turning on his heel as he went to walk away.
"Wait, doctor!" Jaebum called after him, catching his attention as he was halfway through the swinging doors.
"Is there anything we can do for her in the meantime? Anything you can suggest?"
The surgeon turned around to face Jaebum, looking him in the eye and giving him a kind smile before lowering his eyes to the floor.
"If you believe in any type of god, I'd say now is the time to start praying" he said softly, before walking out the door to head home for the night, leaving Jaebum, Jackson and the rest of the boys alone in the waiting room, wondering just what in the hell would happen next.

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