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Jaebum felt the emptiness that was you, form a hole in his chest as he stepped inside GOT7's dorms for what would have been the first time in six months. Nothing had changed - everything being exactly how he remembered it as he walked into the living room, seeing the familiar surroundings that were once so comforting to him. By now, everyone had already gone to bed in preparation for the morning photo-shoot, only leaving Jaebum, Jackson and Jinyoung as the only three souls awake.
"Did you want to come along to the shoot in the morning? Technically you're still on hiatus, so you don't have to if you don't want to - don't pressure yourself" Jinyoung said as he watched Jaebum open a bag that contained a pile of his dirty clothes before throwing it inside the washing machine.
"I'm gonna ring JYP in the morning and talk about when to announce my return. Right now, I'm gonna take a shower and then head over to (Y/N)'s apartment to gather photos and whatnot" Jaebum switched the machine on before grabbing a clean pair of jeans and a shirt from a huge pile on top of the dryer.
Jackson and Jinyoung both sat at the kitchen table, watching Jaebum quickly sort himself out in an almost manic state. "I don't know what time I'll be back, so you two just head to bed when you feel like it" Jaebum added, giving out orders as if he never temporarily stood down from his leaders position - making Jackson inwardly chuckle in defiance.
Jaebum came to the bottom of his bag, finding his phone that had been switched off for the past 6 months - along with his charger. He knew that he would end up having to buy a completely new phone and change his number as to not have Mia texting him when she found out he had returned, but seeing as it was nearing 10pm, he had no other choice but to deal with it. He took the phone in his hand, and without switching it on - he plugged it into the charger, but he couldn't deny the feeling of anxiety he felt building up within him. As Jackson and Jinyoung chatted amongst themselves about you waking up, Jaebum very sneakily slid his phone right behind the toaster; completely out of view to anyone who would walk past - knowing that none of the boys even used the toaster in the first place.
"Did you want me to come with you to (Y/N)'s place and help you sort through stuff?" Jackson asked suddenly, almost making Jaebum jump right out of his skin as he was living on his nerves the whole time he was hiding his phone.
"I...I'd rather it just be me. It's something I want to do on my own, you know? I appreciate you asking but - I want to do it by myself. Thanks Jackson" Jaebum turned around to face both of his friends staring at him - Jackson nodding and telling him that he completely understood. Without lingering for too long, Jaebum excused himself; making his way out of the kitchen and into the shower - leaving Jackson and Jinyoung alone at the table.
Jinyoung was the first to look up at Jackson, both of them donning pensive, knowing eyes before Jackson trailed his over to the toaster. Unbeknownst to Jaebum, his strange behaviour of trying to hide his phone didn't go unnoticed.
"Is it just me...or was that strange? Did you see that?" Jinyoung asked first.
Jackson parted his lips slightly, playing with his tongue on his bottom teeth as he nodded to Jinyoung - both of them hearing Jaebum turning on the shower water from down the hall. They knew that Jaebum never took long in the shower, and he would probably be taking even less time tonight seeing as he was practically racing against time itself to make it to your place.
"What are you thinking?" Jinyoung leaned on the table, studying Jacksons perplexed face as Jackson began to battle a war in his mind. He wanted to believe that Jaebum was innocent, he wanted to believe that his own paranoia had a completely logical explanation - but he knew that something wasn't right; and he was going to try and do whatever it took to solve this mystery.
"Do you...does any of this sit right with you? This whole thing. The night of the accident, Jaebum saying he was out for a 'run' for 4 hours...(Y/N) not being able to remember him because of the supposed 'traumatic memories'...and now he's trying to hide his phone? Jinyoung - please call me crazy. Please tell me that none of this is suspicious and I'm just overacting" he blurted out all in one go, keeping his voice to a minimal level as to not let anyone else in the dorm hear.
Jinyoung looked away from Jackson - thinking back to his own words to the doctor when he said that you and Jaebum had the most perfect relationship; but the more he thought about it, the more he got a bad feeling about everything. If Jaebum's strange behaviour wasn't enough for him to wake up and smell the suspicion, it was Jackson's face right in front of him that clearly said "Something is wrong".
"I didn't think there was anything wrong at first. But, when Jaebum ran out of the room after puking at the doctors words...and now seeing the whole phone behind the toaster thing...Jackson, what the hell is going on? Do you know something I don't?" Jinyoung couldn't shake the feeling of uneasiness, before both boys heard Jaebum emerge from the shower, his footsteps getting closer and closer until finally, he poked his head around the kitchen door; Jinyoung and Jackson trying to act as naturally as they could - as if they weren't just talking about him behind his back.
"Guys, I just remembered that (Y/N) has a huge box full of things like Polaroid's and stuff we got together from ages ago in her wardrobe! She keeps everything she gets and never throws it away..." he trailed off, smiling to himself as he recalled always poking playful fun at you for being a hoarder, your words back to him being "But everything you give me is precious, and I'm gonna keep them forever and ever."
"I'll be back later, see you guys tomorrow" Jaebum said quickly, before disappearing out of sight - the thought of collecting and gathering all your things filling his mind; not even thinking about the fact that he had left his phone...with all of the evidence that he had been cheating on you, slid behind the toaster in the kitchen.
As Jinyoung and Jackson heard Jaebum exit the dorm, Jackson didn't waste any time in getting up from his chair and storming right over to the toaster, pulling Jaebum's phone out from behind it by the charger lead and pressing the power button, switching it on and waiting for it to power up.
"Jackson...are you sure you wanna do this?" Jinyoung stood beside him, trying to be the voice of reason as Jackson felt the burning itch to find out what Jaebum was hiding - a mere moments away from possibly finding out the truth.
"There could be something on here. And if there's not, then I guess I'm just a paranoid mess. But why hide something when you've got nothing to hide? I need to know, Jinyoung. (Y/N)...(Y/N) is one of the most important people to me. She's my best friend and I just can't help but think...fuck, I don't know what I think" he mumbled through his teeth as he saw Jaebum's phone finally power on, his background a picture of you and him, with the pass-code screen requesting a 6 digit code; 6 digits that were holding Jackson from finding out the truth.
"Do you even know the pass-code?" Jinyoung asked, starting to feel beads of sweat form on his forehead as he saw Jackson quickly type in 6 numbers; and to his relief, the phone unlocked.
"It's a mix of numbers between his birthday and (Y/N)'s. I saw him unlocking it that night (Y/N) got hit by the car when we were in the waiting room - don't even ask me how I remembered it. Now...where to look first..." Jackson pondered as he hovered his thumbs over all the different apps.
"Try messages?" Jinyoung suggested - feeling the confliction of guilt and curiosity take over him. Jackson nodded, going into Jaebum's messages to find that the very last message Jaebum read was from someone stored in his phone as 'MiA'. Jackson, without thinking twice, opened the message thread - both his and Jinyoung's eyes widening and their jaws hitting the ground at the last messages received.

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