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Jaebum sat by himself in the corner of the waiting room with his head cradled in his arms while the rest of the boys bit and chewed on their lips nervously – all 7 of them desperately waiting to hear when they could go and see you. Jinyoung had just gotten off the phone to JYP himself, letting him know of the situation at hand.
"You guys do what you need to do. Be there for each other and be there for (Y/N) too. I'll contact you again in the morning" were his words – as understanding as ever.
It was then that that Jaebum felt his phone vibrate in his pocket – but he didn't have to look at it to know who it was from. He raised his eyes a little, studying the position of the other boys in the room before deciding to wait until later to check it. He knew it was from Mia – and he also knew that he would never, ever be seeing her again. "(Y/N) is too important to me...What have I done?" he lamented in woe, constantly being plagued with the thoughts of you lying in the middle of the street – blood everywhere while he was betraying your trust in the most hurtful way imaginable. He felt tears sting his eyes again, knowing that if he had of been home with you, then you probably wouldn't have been out in the first place.
"Jackson?" Jaebum raised his head towards his friend who was still pacing back and forth – not being able to stay still for longer than a few seconds.
"Did...did (Y/N) tell you why she was out? Or where she was going?"
"She just said she was going for a walk to check something out. I assumed she meant...fuck I don't know what she meant. It's all so fucked" Jackson stopped in front of Jaebum before dropping to his hunkers, balancing himself on the balls of his feet.
"I'm sorry for lashing out at you earlier. I'm worried for her. I can't believe this is happening. Why did this have to happen to her? She's done nothing to deserve this" Jackson couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face as he became more than choked up, not being able to speak about it any further. Jaebum pulled his friend into his chest as Jackson clung on to him tightly, both of them sobbing harshly into each other's necks as the other boys watched them with glistening eyes.
"Don't be sorry..." Jaebum could barely speak – not even caring that he was showing his weakest side in front of his members. All he cared about was you; how much he needed you, how much he loved you, and how much he was desperately praying to be given a second chance when he hadn't even gotten the chance to tell you or anyone what he'd been doing behind your back.
"Excuse me" a voice came a few minutes later from the waiting room door – being met by 7 pairs of eyes.
"If you would like to see Miss (Y/N), please follow me. She's ready now" the voice being from the nurse that was looking after you tonight. Without any sound, the boys all took to their feet as they began walking towards your private room – Jaebum and Jackson in the front, followed closely by Jinyoung, Mark and Youngjae who were ushering BamBam and Yugyeom in the middle.
They stopped in front of a windowed room – the blinds drawn for your privacy. As Jaebum went to open the door, the nurse stepped in front of him to which he gave her a look of distaste, just wanting to get inside to finally be able to see you once more.
"Before you all go in...Please be aware that Miss (Y/N)...well, it may be a shocking sight for you all. It would be best to prepare yourselves before going in hastily. I'll be in the room with you all as she's being kept under close observation, so please don't mind my presence." She smiled, bowing politely at all 7 of them.
Jaebum felt his mouth go dry, but no matter how many times he swallowed, nothing seemed to get rid of it or the sickening feeling that pooled in his gut. His hand – still placed on the knob of the door, trembled with fear at the thought of what he would reveal on the other side. He tensed his entire body up before Jackson placed his hand on top of his, causing Jaebum to mentally shake himself back to reality.
"Come on, let's go see her. She needs her boyfriend – she needs all of us, right? It's just our (Y/N). She's still our beautiful (Y/N), don't forget that" Jackson whispered softly into his ear as Jaebum smiled a bit back at him, wholeheartedly agreeing with his words as he took a deep breath, turned the door handle and walked inside.
They were met with the repetitive beeping sound that filled the air from your heart rate machine – the sound of the pump that was helping you breathe along with the blood pressure sleeve contracting and expanding around your arm. Jaebum raised his eyes, almost falling to his knees at the sight of your poor, almost lifeless body as you lay as quietly as a lamb on the hospital bed with what seemed like a thousand leads and wires around you – the tube down your throat, the bandages on your head, your bruised face and arms under the gentle glow from the bedside lamp above your head. He walked towards you, tears filling his eyes as he dropped to his knees at your bedside, immediately putting his larger hand on top of your small one – lukewarm and soft.
"(Y/N)" he choked as he leaned over to your hand, kissing it gently as his tears made your skin damp before he propped his elbows on your bed, putting his lips to your cheek to give you a small, chaste kiss as he observed your eyes shut tight – your emotionless face as if you were lost somewhere in dreams.
"Can...can she hear us?" Yugyeom asked the Nurse who was standing in the corner of the room.
"We don't really know if coma patients can truly hear what we say. But, if I may give my honest opinion, I believe they can. I believe it's the best way to bring them back to us, so you should say whatever you can to help her wake up" she smiled – becoming almost emotional herself even thought she had seen this scene too many times in her career to count.
The rest of the boys stepped forward, surrounding your bed as they all looked at you – not a dry eye in sight as they leaned against each other for comfort.
"It looks like...she's just sleeping right? So, after she has a good dream, she'll wake up – right hyung?" BamBam spluttered into his hand, no longer trying to hide his tears as Mark took him under his wing, holding his younger friends face close to his chest.
Jinyoung and Youngjae who were opposite Jaebum on the other side of your bed stood still, not knowing what to say or what to do before Youngjae placed his hand gently on the stray strands of hair that escaped your bandage – one side of your head being completely shaved due to the surgery.
"Even now, you still look beautiful (Y/N), so don't be shy about waking up with us here." Jackson placed his hand on your arm, giving you a light squeeze as you just seemed like you were peacefully sleeping, completely unaware of the world around you and the 7 boys whom you loved so much.
Jaebum swallowed hard, tasting vomit in the back of his mouth before he gently cleared his throat, focusing his entire attention on you and completely forgetting about his surroundings.
"(Y/N)'s me, your Jaebummie, right?" he smiled, more tears falling from his dark, shadowed orbs as he held your hand to his mouth, staring at you as if you were the only person in the room. "I know you need a lot of rest, you've been through so much...and – I – I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you. I wish..I wish it were me in this bed instead of you. If I could, I would turn back time and lay down my life before yours" he coughed out his tears as Jackson and the rest of the boys burst out in their own tears at his words; Jackson using his free hand to hold on to Jaebum's shoulder.
"But (Y/N), you can't give up yet, you hear me? I know you must be able to hear me...whatever you do, you have to come back to me, okay? I've got...I've got so much to tell you – there's so much we need to do and talk about. Remember I said a few months ago that I wanted to take you to Hawaii for a full 2 weeks, just you and I? I meant it – I meant it with all my heart. You wanted to dive into the ocean with me and go snorkelling – remember? I can't – " he paused, almost screeching as he shut his eyes tightly as he heard the rest of the boys sobbing into each other's shoulders.
"I can't do this on my own (Y/N). You're the only one who understands me and you're the only person I'll ever truly love. I love you with all my heart, you know that right? So please...please...please...
...please wake up soon."

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months since the night you had been hit by the car on the street just outside where you had followed Jaebum and the woman he had been seeing behind your back – the woman who Jaebum had been sharing his affections with in the months leading up to the tragic accident.
Since that night, Jaebum – against the wishes of the rest of GOT7, JYP and the hospital staff – had not left your side other than to use the private shower and bathroom in your hospital room. He was grateful to the nurses who allowed him to bring his own futon to lie at the side of your bed; however he didn't sleep much anyway. Every small noise, every small stir was significant to Jaebum's psyche as he bolted awake at any tiny noise he heard in the hopes that it was you coming around – in the hopes that you were finally waking up.
GOT7 continued in the public eye, only as a temporary "GOT6″, with JYP issuing the following statement to the millions of worried and suspicious fans both in Korea and in other parts of the world;
"GOT7's leader Im Jaebum will be taking a semi-hiatus due to an immediate family member of his falling ill. Please keep Jaebum and his family in your thoughts at this difficult time and let's look forward to when he can return to his usual activities. We kindly ask that fans will respect privacy of Jaebum and his family throughout his time off and we also ask that your love for GOT7 will continue as we prepare to work even harder than before~ Thank you, fighting!"
No sooner had the PSA been posted, Jaebum completely turned off his phone and used his backup cell that could only accept/send calls and texts under the instruction of JYP so he could be keep in contact without being tempted to look at what fans were saying or speculating about online – not that he would have desired to anyway. He was thankful for the patience and fondness of JYP during this time towards him, and towards you. "I know she's the most important thing to you, Jaebum. Take as long as you need – GOT7 wouldn't be GOT7 without you, so don't worry for the time being" he recalled JYP's words to him often when he felt like he was losing grip on reality.
However, there was also the ever looming existence of Mia – another reason he decided to switch off his main phone. The very last time he checked before powering it off, Jaebum discreetly opened her messages to be met with a string of them – too many to count.

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