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The lively chatter continued in your hospital room – mostly consisting of Jackson and Youngjae throwing ideas around of where you should all go when you woke up and fully recovered. Jaebum listened to them and smiled to himself as he laid his head down next to yours while he held on to your hand – intertwining both of your fingers as he softly rubbed your knuckles with the pad of his thumb. He found himself feeling very strange. Knowing that you were in a coma tore his soul to absolute shreds; but he felt oddly comfortable even now in your presence – just being there with you was enough for him to feel content.
"Well then, it's settled! We'll all go to Greece for a whole week – and then the two lovebirds will go off by themselves to Hawaii while the rest of us go for a trip around Europe. What do you guys think?" Yugyeom finalised and summed up all of their collective ideas while the rest of the group all nodded and whooped in turn.
"Yeah – as much as I love JB and (Y/N), I don't wanna be the third wheel on the Hawaiian holiday" Mark smirked, turning his head to the rest of them before getting up off his chair and stretching his legs around the room.
"Well, as soon as sleeping beauty wakes up and recovers, we'll get started with the booking and stuff then! Alright (Y/N)? (Y/N)~! (Y/N)~!!" Jackson leaned over the bars on your bed – raising his voice and singing your name right into your ear in the hopes he could contact you; wherever you may have been in that moment.
As BamBam and Yugyeom began opening their shop bought snacks, Jinyoung looked down to his watch – noticing the time. "Hey guys, don't start eating just yet – the nurse and the physiotherapist will be coming in soon to massage her legs and arms. We can eat it out in the waiting room like last time" he instructed as both the boys felt their stomachs rumble having skipped breakfast to make it to the hospital in time that morning.
Jaebum – still with his hand in yours and his face sharing a corner of your pillow, felt himself slowly drifting off leaning over the side of your bed. He'd barely gotten any sleep recently – and now with you and the rest of his friends all in the one room like old times, he felt a little at peace; causing his body to relax for the first time in what felt like ages. But before he could drift off entirely, he felt a stiffening pressure around his hand that was holding yours, causing him to widen his eyes immediately and nearly jump clean off his chair.
"J-Jackson...Jackson!" Jaebum spluttered as he looked down to your hand, clenching and twitching around his as he felt his heartbeat increase with every millisecond that ticked by. Jackson looked over straight away, watching the shock and disbelief wash over Jaebum's face.
"Oh my god...look at her face! Jaebum! Guys – look! she crying? What's going on?" Jackson shouted as he ran over to your bedside – the rest of the boys jumping up and nearly falling over themselves to get a good look as a single tear escaped your closed lids while your eyes, lips and nose began twitching as if you were deeply stuck in some kind of nightmare. With all the shock and excitement in the room, Jaebum didn't even notice that your heart rate monitor had begun beeping and ringing as if you were running a marathon.
He looked over to Yugyeom who was closest to the door, barely able to get his words out in a string of coherent sentences. "Y-Yugyeom! Run and get the nurse, quickly!" he shouted to his youngest member – his voice deep in panic and wonder as Yugyeom didn't need to be told twice before bolting out the door as fast as lightning in search of assistance.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Can you hear me?" Jaebum said in a loud, shaky but clear voice as he gripped your hand for dear life. In that moment, he recalled the several times your body would have made a twitch or had a spasm here and there over the months – the nurses always telling him that it was completely normal; but he knew that this was different. He could feel you there, as if you were trying to find out how to awake from a nasty dream that held you back against your will.
"Is she okay? (Y/N) can you hear us?" BamBam shouted as his voice cracked, grabbing on to the side of your bed in desperation.
"(Y/N) come on...what's happening? Where's the nurse? Did Yugyeom find her okay?" Youngjae looked over towards the direction of Yugyeom's exit.
"Come on guys, just calm down. The nurse will be here in a second – let's just wait" Jinyoung tried to keep his cool but ultimately failing as he felt his knees wobble while looking into your face that was full of expression.
A silent hush came over the room – all 6 pairs of eyes keeping their gaze right on you as your face momentarily went blank – before a few seconds later, your eyelashes fluttered; and your eyes slowly began opening, before a complete state of panic took over your body.
You awoke to the bright light filling your hospital room – but you had no idea where you were or how you got there. As you regained part of your senses, your ears were filled with voice after voice along with the incessant beeping and ringing of alarms and monitors. You strained your neck – trying to shout out for help but you could barely breathe as you felt something hard and unforgiving fill your air-ways. You attempted to spread out your limbs – but nothing happened. You wanted to reach up and pull whatever was in your mouth and throat out, but for reasons unknown to you – you had no use of your arms or fingers.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N) baby, calm down, just calm down okay? It's me, Jaebum – I'm here...calm down baby" Jaebum placed his hands over your shoulders as you mumbled and moaned in complete distress, your face getting redder and hotter as you fought with yourself to try and move – but to no avail. Jackson just stood there staring at you – tears rolling down his cheeks in happiness but ultimately, he couldn't open his mouth to utter a single word. "She's....she's awake!" he kept saying to himself over and over again. You blinked several times in the midst of your struggle – not being able to properly see the faces of the people who were all staring back at you which frightened you even more as you felt yourself choking – your air supply being very limited due to the tube currently occupying your throat.
Mere seconds later – Yugyeom burst through the door with several nurses and a doctor from the ward – startling the boys as they all jumped back; all of them except Jaebum who had his hands firmly on your frame, not letting go for anyone or anything.
"Okay yes –she's awake, Miss (Y/N) can you hear me?" the doctor pushed past Jaebum as she hovered over your top half, shining a light into your eyes to check your responsiveness.
"BP is 180/120 and heart-rate climbing above 165 - she's gone into tachycardia" one of the nurses called out as she shoved Mark and Jinyoung aside into one of the chairs to get to your machines while all of the boys stood in complete fear at the scientific jargon being thrown around and the fact that you looked like you were convulsing in the bed - none of them able to do anything.
"I – c-cant...b-r-eathe" you choked and spluttered to them – Jaebum hearing your unmistakable voice for the first time in 6 months, causing him to both smile and cry at the same time as he rushed over to the doctor to be beside you once again – only to have the doctor push him back once more.
"Okay Sir, I need you to leave the room right now, in fact – I need ALL of you to leave the room while we stabilise (Y/N) and get her vitals back to normal" she spoke sternly as all the boys looked between each other – Jaebum's heart pounding in his chest.
"What?! I'm not leaving this damn room – she just woke up and she needs me!" he screamed back at her, letting his emotions completely surface and bubble over while seeing your panicked face and clutching fingers.
"She's in a severe amount of shock and distress – if you do not leave this room, she could have a fit and then we'll be back to square one! Either you leave or I'll call for security to come and escort you ALL out of the building – it's your choice Sir" the doctor argued, shouting back while looking up at Jaebum with ferocity in her eyes as he slowly backed down from his offensive stance. He didn't want to leave your side, but he knew in his heart that it had to be done.
"Come on man, we can come back in a bit once they have her settled – just let them do their job...for (Y/N)s sake" Jackson came up behind Jaebum, putting his hands on his friends shoulders and pulling him back towards the door. It killed Jaebum in the worst way possible to have to be dragged away from you – especially now. As one of the other nurses herded all 7 boys out of the room like cattle, Jaebum took one last glimpse of your face – his eyes locking with yours as he shouted to you "I'm just outside (Y/N)!" before the door got promptly slammed in his face; leaving all of the boys in the hallway outside your room, not even being able to peek in through the window as one of the nurses quickly closed the blinds shut.
Once again, all 7 boys found themselves painfully counting down the seconds that turned into excruciating minutes as they all sat on the floor and occasionally paced up and down the hallway. By now, it had just gone 3:45pm – meaning that the time you officially opened your eyes for the first time in 6 months was 1:31pm. A few times, several nurses and other hospital physicians would quickly enter or leave your room – each time they did, Jaebum trying his best to sneak a glimpse of you but never succeeding.
"How much fucking longer are they gonna take? It's been ages – I wanna see her right now" Jaebum rested his hands on the back of his neck, gritting his teeth as he leaned against the wall opposite your door. Jackson rose to his feet from being cross-legged on the floor, coming eye-to-eye with Jaebum and slumping next to him.
"They'll let us in as soon as they're ready. I know it must be tough for you right now but before you know it, you'll be back in there and by her side. Come on, don't fall at the last hurdle...she needs you to stay strong right now, alright?" Jackson coaxed Jaebum back from jumping off the mental cliff in his head before he would implode right then and there. Jaebum sighed as he leaned his head down on top of Jackson's shoulder, both of the boys slinging their arms around each other as Jackson observed Jaebum completely vulnerable and defenceless, trying his best to protect you. "He loves her so much, he'd really do anything for her" he thought as he rubbed Jaebum's back endearingly, continuing to whisper words of motivation and encouragement to his leader and ultimately being there for him in his time of need.
"I just got off the phone with JYP" Jinyoung's voice came into earshot as he turned the corner, reuniting with his friends as the rest of them stood up to hear what he had to say.
"Did you tell him she woke up?" Yugyeom asked.
Jinyoung nodded in response, putting his phone back in his pocket before leaning on the wall beside Jaebum and Jackson "He said he's relieved – but he also said to listen to the hospital staff and not cause a scene..." his eyes found themselves looking in Jaebum's direction as the rest of the group fell silent.
"I know; I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have argued with the doctor but I just...I just didn't want to leave her again" Jaebum winced at the thought of being so near to you, yet so far. Even now, all the thoughts and memories of cheating on you had evacuated his mind – all he was concerned about was getting to speak to you once again – to tell you how much he missed you, how much he adored you and how much he would never, ever let anything like this happen to you again.
30 minutes later, the door to your room opened – several nurses all filing out with papers and spare vital equipment before your attending doctor came into view. Jackson and Jaebum were the first two to step forward – side by side; before Mark, Jinyoung, Youngjae, BamBam and Yugyeom lined up as if they were in some sort of assembly line to get into your room.
"How is she?" Jackson spoke first.
"We had to give her a strong beta-blocker to calm her down, but she's fine, just a bit confused – but this is absolutely normal for someone who just came out of a 6 month coma. She was able to tell us her name, her address and even her phone number" the doctor smiled as all 7 boys collectively let out a sigh of relief and a small chuckle.
"I'd say – taking into account the head trauma she received and the fact she's been comatose for 6's a miracle that she's been able to bounce back like this. We'll be running more tests throughout the day with her but – since I know you're all so anxious to go in and see her, you're free to do so. But for now, keep the questions to a minimum, we don't want her to stress out about anything" the doctor placed her hand on Jaebum's shoulder as a peace offering as she smiled warmly into his face.
"I'm really sorry about before Doctor. I'm just –"
"You're just in love. I know, I know. There's nothing to apologise for. Go on then! She's waiting for you" she finished, making a small bowing motion with her head as she headed off towards the nurses' station.
Finally being able to breathe again, you felt much more content and relaxed in your hospital bed. The doctor and the nurses informed you that you had been involved in a road traffic accident and that you'd been out for 6 months – which you found incredibly hard to accept and understand. You felt like it was no time at all that you'd been asleep; thus resulting in the feeling of having time taken away from you. But as far as you could think back, you couldn't remember the accident at all. When you really thought about it – all you could remember was a road and the headlights of a car before you began feeling a dull headache forming in your frontal lobes. "Don't over-exert yourself right now; the memory of the accident will come back in time. For now, just relax – your friends are outside waiting for you" the doctor had told you along with rubbing the side of your cheek lovingly.
Amazingly, you knew exactly who she was talking about when she said 'friends'. "Those dorks were here the entire wonder I heard their voices" you thought to yourself as you looked over to the door, watching it open and seeing the first person coming into your view – Jackson.
"Hi" you croaked, your voice still being a little raw as the room became filled with 7 boys.
"Hi (Y/N)..." Jackson said quietly with a huge smile on his face as you looked over to him, smiling back weakly as all the boys nervously giggled and surrounded your bed. It was so surreal and unbelievable to be in their company once again – but something was making you anxious.
"You guys were here when I woke up?" you began looking into each and every one of their faces from left to right and saying their names in your head to yourself – Jackson, Mark and Jinyoung on your left, Yugyeom and Youngjae at the foot of your bed, and BamBam to your right as they all nodded and beamed at you, not being able to comprehend that you were awake and speaking to them after all these months.
"We're so happy (Y/N)... you've no idea how happy I am right now. I never gave up hope...not once. I knew you'd wake up" you heard a voice coming from beside BamBam and feeling a hand place itself on yours – making you immediately tense up as you shot your eyes in his direction.
You looked at him carefully – his slightly messy dark brown, almost black hair – his soft, tired features and a brilliant smile as he looked into your eyes. "I'm sorry?" you asked, a look of confusion donning your freshly awoken face.
"Huh? Why are you sorry (Y/N)?" he asked as he kneeled down beside you, leaning in to press his lips to your cheek before you pulled back straight away – the rest of the boys looking at Jaebum with their eyebrows scrunched as perplexed looks formed on their faces.
"(Y/N)..." Jackson giggled nervously as you turned your head to face him, "It's just Jaebum...why do you look so petrified?"
You knitted your eyebrows together, looking back into Jaebum's face as he stared at you – hopeful and muddled with confusion. "(Y/N)'s me" he chuckled, holding your hand tighter as you still attempted to pull away from him.
You looked him dead in the eyes, and with pure innocence and the most pure form of curiosity, you let three words fall from your lips that completely shook all 7 boys from the inside out as Jaebum stared at you blankly in disbelief;
"Who are you?"

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