Chapter 1/Introducing Hazel

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Hazel's POV-
I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring. The lights of the sun that are sinking in through the blinds slightly burn my eyes but I ignore the dull pain building in my head and get up. I let my feet touch the warm carpet in my room as I carry myself to the bathroom inside of my room. I peel my clothes off and enter the shower as I let the warm water hit my face I instantly wake up and feel more energized. I wash up and get out and start drying off. When I'm done I go to my drawers and get out my matching underwater set and slip it on, then I go to my closet and pick out a pair of acid washed high waisted shorts and a lose crop top with my jean jacket that says 'love' written in gold on the back, then I get out my pair of black and white Jordan's and slip them on after lacing them up I was finished getting dressed. I walk back into my bathroom,i threw my hair up into a messy bun and added a little lip gloss and mascara, then I grabbed my iPhone 6,wallet,and keys and walked downstairs to my car and started my 45 minute drive to school. It only takes so long because I live right on the edge of the woods.
I guess while I'm in the car I can introduce myself , my name is Hazel but most people call me Z or izzy ,my hair is brown and it goes to about the middle of my back, I'm 5'6,i have greenish brown eyes and I have a pretty shape it's not much but I like it. As I pull into the parking lot I get out and make sure to grab my bag from the backseat , I walk to my locker and while I'm putting things in and taking things out I hear my bestfriend Cameron scream "IZZYYYY!!!!" And when I turn around my best friend Cam is standing next to me smiling ear to ear "hi Cam,whats got you in such a good mood.?"I say laughing. She said,"nothingggg just that we have a new student and he is so HOT.! You guys would look literally perfect together". I groan "quit trying to hook me up with people I'm not interested in dating.!" "BUT-" she started, I cut her off by raising my hand letting her know I don't want to hear it. She gave in and just continued to pout and crossed her arms, so I shut my locker and we started walking to first period. As we entered the room I took in my surroundings of all the people already in here chatting away as my eyes landed on my worst enemy ...Mason.! As I passed him by we locked eyes and I threw him an over the shoulder glare. He just held a look of disgust. A few minutes after I sat down the teacher walked in right as the bell rang,"Goodmorning class,today we will b-" right then he got cut off by this 'Greek God' of a man walking in looking bored as he observed the room until his eyes landed on me..."ahh you must be our new student, Drew Greyson.?" God even his name was sexy I was sure that I'm drooling.! All he did was give the teacher a nod and move towards the empty seat behind me, his eyes never disconnecting from mine. I could feel his stare the entire period it was making me nervous and anxious to think about those forest blue-green orbs burning a hole in the back of my head. As the bell rang I made a run for the door ...that is until the spawn of Satan himself 'Mason' thought it'd be funny to thwart my efforts by sticking his giant boat like foot out and tripping me.! I closed my eyes waiting for my body to hit the floor but when it didn't I opened them to realize I was wrapped in strong warm muscular arms. I look up to see those same mesmerizing orbs only inches from my face peering into my soul. I start to feel my skin tingle where he was holding me and I guess he did too because he let go with an awkward cough apologizing after realizing he was holding me for to long. Mason is glaring daggers at ...Drew.???. I mutter a quiet thanks and speed my narrow behind right out the door before Mason can try again.
"Bye cam"I'm gonna go out for lunch" ,"okay see u in 3rd period Izzy",I walked to my car and went to this small restaurant near the school. I got out of my car and made sure to lock it. As I pulled the door open I looked down at my shoes and BAMMM!!! I was knocked on my butt, I was holding my head when I felt someone's hands wrap around my waist ..wait I felt those tingles again.! when I looked up I could not believe what I saw!......

<<<<Hazel's bestfriend Cameron on the side

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