Chapter 9/ The party is where.?

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Drew's POV-
As detention finally ends I wake Hazel up by gently running my fingers on the lower half of her back where the skin is exposed from where her crop top T-shirt slid up even more from her leaning over. She starts to stir a bit but not before I hear a small moan slip out. As soon as she realizes what just happened she shoots up out of her seat a blush clearly evident on her face. She opens her mouth to say something and just closes it back. I burst into a fit of laughter she looks like little fish guppies or something. She just stands there rubbing her arm looking extremely embarrassed which makes me stop laughing on account of feeling bad I get up from my seat and move to her side as I cautiously wrap my arms around her as she buries her head in my chest."don't be embarrassed babe you sounded hot." I feel her groan against my chest. " your not making this any better.!" I let out a deep chuckle. Being sneaky like I am I run my fingers against her lower back again since her back was still exposed. Again she let out in involuntary moan this time louder. I chuckle some more as she jumps about a foot in the air squealing," STOPPP.!"," well well looks like I found somebody's sweet spot." I laugh as she just glares at me. I finally calm down and apologize. "Sorry punkin. Come on babe I'll take you home." She rapidly shakes her head," no no no I've got a ride." I suddenly feel my insides start to boil,"Who.!?" I growl out. She looks a little shocked but points a thumb into her chest," Me. I have my own car." She states. Oh well don't I feel like a dummy. I quickly change the subject," I want to stay at your house for the two week parenting project. So I'll just follow you home and then give you a ride to my party then we'll both Come back to your place to sleep." I leave no room for debate as I grab her tiny hand as I hear her inwardly groan. We stop by my locker and I throw my books and bag in there and we make our way to the front of the school. Once we exit the schools grounds I let her take lead without letting go of her hand as she begins walking in a certain direction. We stop in front of a blue car as the trunk pops open and she tosses her book bag inside. When we are standing in front of the driver side door she looks up at me expectantly. Ohhh I'm still holding her hand. "Sorry" I mumble as I drop her hand and scratch the back of my neck. " I drive a Camero five cars down so ...I'll just follow you then." I quickly turn on my heel and begin my walk towards my silver camero. As I'm unlocking the door I see Hazel zoom past me on her way out of the parking lot. I know she is not trying to ditch me.! I hurriedly jump in the driver side, click my seat belt on and stick my car key In the ignition. I throw the car into reverse whip out of my parking spot and throw the car back into drive and zoom after her. I pull up beside her in no time and smirk at her through the window. She flicks me the bird and hits the gas. What's wrong with her.??? I soon pull out after her and stay hot on her tail.

Pulling up to Hazel's house--------
I open my car door and chase her to the front door before she can lock me out. I get there just in time as she is about to shut the door and slide my foot in the way. "Hazel what's wrong.!? What did I do.??"," YOU MAKE ME NERVOUS.!!" She screams before she even realizes what's slipping off her tongue. As quick as she opened her mouth it was shut tightly jaw slightly clenched. " you make me nervous to Hazel." I admit softly looking deep into her eyes. " please stop running from me, just give me a chance." I mutter hurt. "Fine." She gives as she slowly opens the door. I give a small triumphant smile as I step into her hallway. Once we made it to the living room I noticed It was very large inside and kind of homey looking. It's got a nice feel to it. I like it. I love it. I see Hazel walking up a set of spiral stairs, naturally I'm hot on her tail. As I make it to her room I notice that she doesn't know I'm here yet.....and she's only wearing shorts and a T-shirt." I quickly turn around and clear my throat. "Omg what are you doing.!!?" She shrieks. " I was just coming to let you know that the party starts in a bit so you might want to start getting ready." I respond and as I'm explaining myself I feel a tap on my shoulder.! "What the fuck.!, don't do that.! You don't sneak up on people.!" I yell at Hazel's friend  Cameron. "What are you even doing here and how did you get in.?" I add. "I'm here so that Hazel and I can get ready for your party remember.? And I have a key and come over whenever I like." She says with a roll of her crystal blue eyes. I'm more of a green type of guy though. "Righhht well I guess I'll leave you ladies to it then, I'll be in a guest room when your done, then we can head out." I proceed out of the room as I hear Hazel take a deep sigh. Might as well get a nap in, girls take forever to get ready.

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