Chapter 11/ You'll be the death of me

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Hazel's POV-
For a moment I think of climbing out the window and running home, I mean it's not that far. Sure it's dark but I think I could make it. I am currently standing in drew's bedroom wearing his cousins bikini. A very revealing bikini I might add, but it would help me fulfill my goal at teasing him back. "Suck it up Hazel.! You can do this." I whisper to myself encouraging this craziness. I mean I just met the boy today, but the connection we have feels like I've known him forever. Okay I'm doing this. I slowly but surely make my way down the stairs back into the party with just a towel, I find my way to the back of the house and step out onto the patio. Almost immediately my eyes land on drew and all of his glory. I peer through the dark and scan the rest of the back yard and realize no one else is out here. GREAT.! That'll make it easier on me. Drew is facing with his back towards me so I drop my towel at the edge of the pool and lower myself into the water as quietly as possible. I peek up through my lashes to see if he's noticed me yet..he hasn't. I slowly move toward him trying not to make any splashing noises sort of like the swimming pool game we all played as kids Sharks and Minoes. Once I'm right behind him I go to put my hand on his shoulder but he spins around and grabs me by the waist pulling me into him. "I smelled you coming before you even set foot out the door babe" he smirks down at my shocked face. " I can't wait till my eight-teeth birthday" I mutter under my breath.  I hear drew let out the most beautiful laugh I've ever heard, and I'm star struck as I stare into his handsome face and wicked smile. Uh oh what's that look about.!? "You look delicious in that bathing suit" he leans down to whisper in my ear, " but I'd bet my last dollar you'd look absolutely ravishing without it" I feel my face light with a raging fire from the very pits of hell signed sealed and delivered from Satan himself . He chuckles, "What do you say peach, care for a little skinny dipping.?" I ignore his question and push myself off his hard toned body and under the water mostly to cool my burning face. When I emerge he is staring at me with dark hooded eyes full of desire. I swim back towards him grateful that he hasn't attempted to move a muscle. I rest my forearm against his shoulder and let my fingers slide into his silky hair. I stare into his eyes and listen to his Heavy breaths, I let my eyes roam to his parted lips, pink luscious and full. For a second I allow myself to wonder what it'd feel like to kiss him. Would it be soft and sensual, or hard and hungry. Snap out of it Hazel.!! Pay attention to your mission. "I was thinking about this parenting project, maybe we could play it out to the fullest, you know the whole nine yards." I hinted. "What do you mean.?" He says looking utterly confused. " you know sleep in the same room...the same bed.? Maybe even have a little 'parenting fun'.?" I egged on. "Why Hazel, you naughty girl are you trying to seduce me.!?" He looks a little cautious, I need to make it more believable. I rest my hands on each shoulder and pull myself closer to him, our bodies impossibly close. I lean towards his ear like I'm going to tell him a secret, I whisper," well I was just thinking you know since your my mate and all I could give you a chance at whatever this is like a relationship." I then kiss right above his earlobe, I let my tongue out to lick the underside of his earlobe and gently grab it with my teeth. I lift my leg and run it against the inside of his thigh. I hear him suck in a sharp breath. I smile a little to myself and mentally cheer myself on. I then dip my head a little lower and kiss the top part of his neck where it meets his jaw. Where my lips are pressed against his neck I can feel his quickened heartbeat and shallow breathing. I then start to trail my kisses down his jaw and to his cheek. Slowly I place a lingering kiss on the corner of his lips and pull away right as his eyes flutter closed and he moves his head to kiss me fully. His eyes snap open. "You are going to be the death of me, I see it now" he whispers huskily while staring intently into my eyes. "Serves you right to tease me on the dance floor like that then pull away, two can play that game.!" I say pointing my nose up at him. "Oh yeah.? Be careful peach that's a dangerous game your trying to play." Im about to ask is that a challenge when I open my eyes to look into his face and see that he's staring at me like a starving man stares at food. Nervously I back up until my back hits the corner of the pool, he's stalking towards me with a hungry look in his beautiful eyes and I have no where to run. Before I know it his hands are in my hair, body pressed tightly against mine holding me perfectly in place, and his lips are seconds away from touching mine. I feel my eyes flutter closed anticipating his kiss my breathing picks up and it feels as if time slowed down, I can taste the mint on his breath now I feel his soft lips gently touch mine electricity shoots down my spine our lips just barely connected when cam bursts through the back door yelling my name.

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