Chapter 2/ introducing Drew

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Drew's POV-
As I'm walking through the school hall ways looking for the office, I smell this amazing mouth watering scent. It smells like cinnamon and chocolate.! My favorite.! I begin to follow the smell and see this stunningly beautiful girl standing at her locker taking things out. I was snapped out of my haze when I heard this really loud girl screaming "IZZZYY.!!" I turn my head to see her running right past me and she is walking up to the girl with the amazing scent. So that's her name I thought to myself....I reign into their conversation using my wolf hearing. The loud girl is saying something about a new student being hot and how he and Izzy would look perfect together. Which for some reason pisses me off. So I walk off towards the office, my wolf whimpering as the girl Izzy is no longer in our line of sight. I sigh still pissed off and open the door to the office. "Hello, how can I help you.?" Says the women at the front desk. "I'm new and I was wondering if you could give me my class schedule and locker information please." "Sure thing handsome.! Name.?" " Drew. Drew Greyson" "Here you are cutie, Just let me grab it off the printer." I stand there repulsed that she was slick flirting with me. As I watch her turn the corner I look out of the big glass window that leads out into the hall and see this guy staring at Izzy from behind a set of lockers, biting his lip as she stands talking to the loud girl, as I watch him look down at her ass my blood starts boiling.! I turn to walk out of the office when someone clears their throat grabbing my attention. I turn to see the women holding my papers out to me with a smile, I return a fake one which probably looked more like a grimace than a smile, and go to walk out of the office when that same guy I saw checking out Izzy's bum bumps into me.! "Hey watch it asshole.!" He says to me," Your the one walking backwards like an idiot" I said to him calmly trying to control my temper. He just rolls his eyes and walks into a classroom two doors away. I don't know that kid but Theres something about him I don't like,he's already on my bad side. He also smells weird but I can't seem to put my finger on it...I quickly find my locker and put my book bag in there, only taking what I need for 1st period. I look down at my schedule to see room 205 printed next to mathematics. Ugh.! Great it's too early in the morning for that crap.! Annoyed I go to find the classroom 201....202.....203....204...205. I look up to see Izzy entering the classroom and suddenly my mood changes. I eagerly follow so that I can get a seat close to her. I enter in the room and the first thing I see is that jerk that bumped into me in the hallway, and my mood quickly darkens again. I look around bored and annoyed until my eyes land on her, she's so perfect how can anyone be that perfect.??!! It should be illegal to be that beautiful. I distinctly hear the teacher stop talking to turn his gaze to me and ask if I'm the new student. Without taking my eyes away from hers I just nod my head at him and walk towards the seat directly behind Izzy. When I sit down her scent intensifies. I tense all over being this close to her and I hear my wolf howl "MATE.!!" To me. I can't keep my eyes off of her the entire class period even though I can sense I'm making her uncomfortable. I just can't help it. How does she not feel this she must be human or maybe she isn't eighteen yet. The bell snaps me out of my thoughts, I go to reach and tap her shoulder but she's up and running to the door before I can even get close. Suddenly I see her start to fall and in no time I'm by her side catching her. She's got her eyes closed like she's anticipating the pain. When it doesn't come she opens her eyes and my breath hitches in my throat. I stop breathing all together as I look deep into her beautiful brownish green eyes. I can feel tingles where ever I'm touching her and I think she realized them to because her face morphed into one of shock and confusion. I quickly let go with an awkward cough as I muttered an apology for holding her for so long. She looks past me, I turn to see where she's looking and her eyes land on that jerk and she looks pissed and scared. I'm pretty sure he tried to trip her I look at him in the eye and boy let me tell you If looks could kill id be six feet under. He was staring daggers at me. I'm guessing for saving Izzy from that fall. Now I was sure he tried to trip her and I was pissed. I turned around and she was gone...what the heck where did she go. As I turn back around that guy is in my face "stay the f*ck outta my way.! That's twice today.! Don't let it come to three.!" He warned as he pushed passed me and out of the door to go god knows where. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

<<<<Picture of Drew on the side

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