Chapter 13/ You did what.!?

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Mason's POV-
I pull outside of the giant house, music blaring and everyone making out. I pass people smoking and drinking as I make my way to the front door, as I enter I'm suddenly very hungry with all of these hot sweaty bodies full of blood trapping me from every direction. I tap on the first guy my eyes land on and ask him has he seen Hazel. I know she's here she wasn't at home. " oh yeah I saw her she's out back with drew doing god knows what, I saw her go back there in a little skimpy two piece, I wouldn't disturb her right now if I were you, you know what I mean If I were him I'd be out there letting her pretty little face have it" he laughs obnoxiously. I could spit fire.! How dare he talk about my mate that way.! Before I realize it I've got this prick against the wall my hands wrapped Nicely around his neck cutting off any and all air supply. Too soon I'm being pulled away from him and everyone's gone including that little skunk. I'm prepared to turn around and rip this persons head off for interfering. But when I do, oh when I do I just about go bat shut crazy.! I don't know whether to be pissed at her or take her against this wall. What the f*ck does she have on.! My jaw hits the floor as my eyes take greedily over every delicious curve. "What do you have on Hazel.!" She quickly covers herself with the pool towel and suddenly im not angry anymore about what that stupid guy said. Now I'm angry at the fact she's okay with drew seeing her that way but not me.! And suddenly I'm reminded of why I came over here. My text, she responded that I shouldn't bother trying because she could never be interested in a bully like me.! "Hazel I'm your mate too I think it's fair that you give me a chance too.! I'm sorry that I've bullied you I just didn't know how to express myself and I know that's no excuse but you said earlier that you'd try to be friends first." She looks at me dumbfounded. "What.!? You can't be my mate. Drew is my mate.! How do you know about Mates.!??", she looks completely confused. I look to drew and he looks very guilty and nervous. "You didn't.!" I exclaim. Hazel looks between the two of us," he didn't what.?" She asks. He looks me right in the eye and says," alls fair in love and war.!" "You did.!!! Hazel.! I texted you that I am your mate too on account of your vampire side and that I am going to fight for you.! And he must have deleted it before you could see it.!" She looks confused," but he couldn't have he hasn't had my pho-" confusion turns to shock, she whips around so fast to face him," in detention.! When you put your number in my phone.! You deleted his message to me so I wouldn't know that he's my mate too.!?" He looks as if he wants to vaporize into thin air right now. He looks to his feet,"I'm sorry Hazel" then he's got her one hand on her waist the other holding her face," I've got to fight for you any and every way I can.! I knew you'd find out eventually but I wanted you to give the idea of us a chance first.!" He tries desperately to explain his actions. I roll my eyes and stand there with a smug look on my face, I expect her to slap him, reject him on the spot and ride off into the sunset with me...not literally of course. But she doesn't she accepts his apology," it's okay I understand, I know now. I'm ready to go." She sounds defeated, overwhelmed. The smug look is wiped clean off my face," WHAT.! JUST LIKE THAT.!?" She looks at me with sad eyes as if she were trying to apologize," I agreed to try to be friends Mason, not a couple. All you've ever done is bully me. Your going to have to try slot harder and it's going to take more than you just announcing your my mate to make me choose you." And with that they walked out the door with his arm wrapped protectively around her... it suddenly dawns on me as I run my hair through my short blonde hair and take a deep breath this is going to be harder than I thought

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