Chapter 10/ I can't dance like that.!

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Hazel in her party outfit ^^^^
Hazel's POV-
It's been almost two hours since we started getting ready for Drew's house party. Let's just say I'm worn out. Cameron got us all dolled up, it's a bit much if you ask me but she thinks we look hot so whatever. I was just ready to get this night over with considering this dress is squeezing me for dear life. Cameron finally finishes applying her lip gloss so we grab our clutch purses and walk out of my bedroom door. After we find Drew knocked out in the guest room I guess he's chosen for himself I get an idea to wake him up. I tell Cameron to record it with my phone. Once she gives the go signal I gently straddle him since he's sleeping on his back. I lean down to his ear and scream the most blood curdling scream I can muster. He shoots up fast as lighting throwing me to the floor. I can't help but drown in laughter as he jumps from the bed looking around frantically. His eyes land on me sobbing with laughter and he visibly relaxes. He scoops me in his arms bridal style and puts his face in my neck," don't do that Hazel I thought something bad happened to you" he states breathless. I smack him on his broad chest," Put me down gosh it was a joke calm down." I say with a roll of my eyes. As he sets me down I hear Cameron sigh very dramatically then coo an," Awwwww goals asf.!" She screams. "We are NOT together Cam.!" I bite back. She rolls her eyes," yeah yeah if you say so.." "we will be,I won't stop until your mine ." Drew whispers in my ear huskily sending a shiver down my spine. "L-let's h-head to the p-party." I try to say calmly obviously failing miserably. Suddenly I feel a jacket placed around me. My leather jacket. When did he leave the room.! I look back at Drew with a questioning stare. " you are NOT attending a party much less walking out the house in that dress with nothing covering you." He grits through his teeth. Don't get me wrong I'm glad he gave me the jacket because this dress is a bit out of my comfort zone but who the hell did he think he was talking to.! " sir yes sir DAD" I glare sarcastically. He sighs heavily," I'm sorry Hazel I just don't want anyone staring at you I'd be extreamly jealous." He admits rubbing his neck. Well now that he puts it like that it's kind of cute. No what am I saying.! Ugh. "Can we go now.?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes I'm gonna give you a reason to make em roll." He says huskily behind me. I swallow hard as we turn to walk out of the door and head to his car. Cameron taking her own. Soon enough the car is started and we are driving behind my house.!? We are driving through the woods behind my house on this dirt road. No more than 10 minutes later we are pulling up to this HUGE house with cars parked all around it and people outside talking, kissing, drinking, and dancing to the loud music we hear bumping inside. I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts when my door opens. I look up to see Drew offering me his hand. I blush slightly and grab it, him pulling me upwards. Of course nothing can go smoothly for me, I almost trip on the giant heels Cam made me wear and I fall dead smack center into his warm chest still being shorter than him even with the heels ,wrapping my arms under his very own leather jacket to keep my balance. His arms snake around my waist as he easily steadied me. I looked up into his face my own burning hot with embarrassment. But the look on his face isn't one of amusement it's one of concern and adoration. Suddenly I find myself getting lost in those beautiful eyes for what I can only imagine To be the millionth time today. His face only half an inch from mine. He's so close I can taste the mint in his breath our noses almost brushing. We are quickly drawn apart when Cam starts groaning loudly and yanks me from his arms towards the front door." I'm ready to party not be third wheeling.!" She screams as we enter the loud home. Before we can even get in the door good Cam is being snatched from me into the arms of her "boy toy" Austin Rebblez. Weird last name huh.? As they begin to make out I'm suddenly being pulled in another direction and I look up to see Drew weaving his way through sweaty bodies jumping and pumping their fist into the air on the dance floor. We stop in front of the drink table in the kitchen and suddenly i feel very sarcastic. "What's up with everyone pulling me.!" I state aggravated from being pulled every which way. He just smirks at me and says," what you want to drink peach.?" ...peach.?....ummmm what.? "Peach.?" I decide to ask. Again he just smirks while replying " my new nickname for you since you look so sweet and juicy" oh hell no " excuse me perve.!?" I spit with disgust. He laughs loudly," get your mind out of the gutter Hazel.! Dirty girl. I meant Juicy as in attractive...beautiful." I feel my face burn bright as the flames in a forest fire. "Hawaiian punch" I state embarrassed. He smiles a breath taking smile and hands me a red plastic cup. When I finish my drink I stand there admiring Drew as he sips from his cup eyes on the dance floor. Uh oh. Please don't ask me to- "come dance with me." He says suddenly very excited. I notice why as I listen to the song playing...Take me down-Chris Brown. Lord help me. "I'm okay I'll wait right here" again a deep laugh rumbles from his chest.," i wasn't asking Hazel." Suddenly I'm pulled to the dance floor and his hands are trailing from my shoulders gently down my arms, his hands slip into mine and are pulled up and around his neck my hands automatically finding there way into his soft curly hair. His hands trailing down my sides and resting on my hips. We are starting to rock back and forth when I feel nervous butterflies in my stomach," Drew I can't dance like this.!!" I blush deeply embarrassed. "Shhh don't think about what your gonna do just close your eyes and move your body to the music." He whispers into my hair. I feel my heart race standing this close to him, his scent intoxicating. Before I know it I shut my mind off and enjoy the music imagining we are the only ones in the room. I'm no longer facing him my back is to his stomach my head resting on his chest, his hands planted firmly on my hips pulling my bottom region into his as I realize we're grinding passionately if I do say so myself. Yet I don't feel nervous anymore I just feel content. I feel his shallow breaths on the side of my face and neck as his head dips low into the crook of my neck. My knees go weak as he brushes his lips against my shoulder inching closer and closer to where my shoulder and neck meet. Soon enough he's not brushing his lips there and my breath hitches as I feel him press a warm kiss to my sweet spot. My head drops back giving him more access as I release a barley audible moan and my eyes slip closed my eyelids suddenly weighing a ton as I feel my knees buckle luckily he removes his hands from my hips as he snakes his arms around my waist from behind supporting my weight. Suddenly I feel cold as he pulls away from me and my eyes snap open as I turn to look at him slightly pouting. He chuckles," The songs over beautiful." He smirks. Oh so that's how he wants to be. Two can play at that game. "Do you have anything I can change into I want us to swim." I asked noticing a pool earlier with barley anyone out there. He smirks again looking very pleased with what I just said. Ha if only he knew how much discomfort I'm about to cause him. "Follow me peach." He grabs my hand and Leads me towards the staircase.

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