Chapter 5/ Intimidated.?

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Hazel's POV-
I heard footsteps coming closer and closer until.... the janitors closet door was ripped open, quickly shut, and in the blink of an eye before I could see who stepped through the door, Drew had me pin against the wall in the small dark closet. I felt his body slightly shaking as he pressed firmly against me. His warm minty breath fanning my face as his eyes bore into mine inches above me. "Why did you run from me.?" He asked,"my wolf didn't like that" I parted my lips to answer him but found myself mute. I didn't know why I ran specifically. "I t-think I was just o-overwhelmed" I stuttered pathetically, as I mentally smacked myself 'get a grip Hazel' I thought to myself. I tried to give him a slight nudge to free myself from between his hard abdomen and the cold wall. He apparently wasn't having it..."You know you can't resist me Hazel quit fighting it"he says smoothly with a slight smirk on his face I look up into his eyes that are only a minimum of two inches from my face. Bad choice I'm immediately entranced by his mesmerizing eyes it feels as if he is peering into my soul. While I'm fazed out I feel him lean in even closer and realize he's going to try and kiss me.! I try to move but he puts each of his hands on the wall behind me on each side of my head.! I try and push him but he takes his hands from the wall that I wish would just swallow me up, and pins my wrist against it instead, As he presses his body impossibly closer to mine to hold me in place I struggle to look up at him considering he's at least three to four inches taller than me. I have no room to move my head being pressed so close between his warm hard inviting body and the wall. I finally manage to look up...we lock eyes and before I know it I'm deep in his intoxicating scent of...cinnamon & spice 'lord help me' right as he's about to kiss me ...the door flies open I quickly push him away with all my might afraid it'll be the janitor or an administrator such as a teacher or worse the principal. He only moves a couple of steps but it's better than nothing. Finally I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. My attention is drawn when someone clears their throat I look up to see Mason standing in the doorway with a mop looking pissed. I quickly glance towards Drew and back to Mason as I let the words 'as cliche as it sounds' fly right out of my mouth " Mason it's not what it looks like.!" I suddenly grow very nervous not understanding why I feel the need to justify myself to him. As I'm standing there worried and confused my heart drops to my stomach from what I hear next. " actually it's exactly what it looks like ...MASON.!" Drew says, venom dripping from every syllable. I snap my head towards Mason and he looks as if he would love nothing more than to castrate Drew. I look to Drew and his looks are similar as if it'd be his greatest achievement to rip Mason limb from limb. It feels as if the temperate just sky rocketed through the roof another hundred degrees as I watch these two homicidal looking brutes stare fire into the other. I involuntarily clear my throat...worst possible decision ever. They are now both staring daggers at me.!! I quickly duck between their legs to get to the opening of the door and make a run for it. 'Well geez I could give Usain Bolt a run for his money today as much running as I'm doing. This is all the workout I'll need for the rest of the year'. As I turn the corner I throw a look behind be to see neither of the guys behind me. 'Hmmm that's weird'. For what seems like the millionth time today I fall to my butt the moment I turn around and crash into a huge wall.....

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