Chapter 3/ introducing Mason

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Mason's POV-
"Shut the Hell up dude I told you not to f*ck with her" I told my best friend Sean Irritated as hell that he kept rambling on about how is girlfriend, which is also the schools hoe Aka 'queen bee' cheated on him with this guy on the football team. He rolled his eyes and shut his locker taking his phone out of his pocket to check it. I look down the hallway and see some guy staring at Hazel like a pot of gold.! It takes everything in me not to go over there and rip his head off and let him know she's mine.! He walks away looking pissed as I'm about to go over there. I see him walk into the office, so I turn my attention back to Hazel. She's so f*cking beautiful it's ridiculous everything about her is sexy. It pisses me off that she's not eighteen yet I want to turn her vampire already since I can't mate with an underage human. It's frustrating as hell so yeah...I take it out on her sometimes. I know it's not her fault she can't control when she was born, but I'd rather have some interaction with her than none at all. I take a glimpse at her nice round firm ass and bite my lip to keep myself from whistling at her. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I see her walking my way I start to back up and bump into that asshole from earlier I tell him to watch hisself and the ass says "you were the one walking backwards like an idiot" who the hell does this f*cker think he is.! I could drain his miserable ass dry if I wanted to.! I get a glimpse of Hazel walking our way so I roll my eyes and walk off into the classroom. A minute later she walks in and her eyes land on me and my stomach does flips. F*ck I wish I could kiss her and sit her in my lap just to have her as close to me as possible. She throws me a glare and I look at it with disgust. I hate that she doesn't like me. It probably doesn't help that I'm so mean to her. I'm just not very good at expressing my feelings. Suddenly it smells like wet dog I turn my head towards the door and look at this ass with pure hate. He looks passed me when I follow his gaze I see them f*cking staring into each other's eyes. Oh hell no.! Not my Hazel.! I don't know where this punk came from but he's gotta go.! He walks towards her and takes the seat right behind her.! How did I not see that there. The whole class he can't take his eyes off of her and I can see he's making my mate uncomfortable and it's pissing me off. When the bell rings she tries to run from the room. She hasn't looked my way all class period, so Irritated i  try and trip her. Yeah you heard me right TRIED. This ass saved her and was now holding her. Yes HOLDING my mate.! Looking like he wanted to plunge his damn tongue down her throat. She runs out of the room as I openly glare at him. He turns away to look for her and I snap. I walk up behind him and he turns around. I warn him to stay the hell outta my way and push past him out of the room to go get some food and calm myself down. I get into my jeep and drive to my favorite restaurant. When I get there I hop out and go order my food. I play on my phone until my number is called and as I'm walking out I knocked some girl on the ground. She looked hurt she was holding her head so I bent down and put my hands on her waist to lift her and apologize but, when she looked up it was Hazel, the look on her face broke my heart in two.! " why the hell are you always tripping me.!?" She cried pissed. I go to answer her but she tries pushing past me into the diner. I quickly grab her wrist and yank her into my chest, I snake my arm around her to keep her from running. She looks up into my eyes looking shocked and says, " w-what are y-you doing.?" I just smirk at her and lean down since she's shorter than me and I kiss the top of her head and apologize," my bad gorgeous I didn't mean to" "d-did you just call me gorgeous" she asked looking dumbfounded. I laugh and she looks at me as if I grew a third eye. "Did you hit your head or something I mean I could've sworn I was the one who fell.?" This just makes me laugh harder as I say, "come sit with me" we need to talk.....

<<<<<Picture of Mason on the side

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