Chapter 4/ Becoming Friends.?

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Hazel's POV-
As I looked up you won't believe what I saw.!! It was freaking MASON.!! Crap.! I don't know what came over me but I just started yelling at him. I tried to push past him and get away but he just pulled me back and wrapped an arm around me. What the goose-egg.! Is this dude high.???! I decided to ask,"w-what are y-you doing.?" Shoot I didn't mean for it to come out like that but he's making me nervous. I never know what he's going to do. He just laughs and kisses the top of my head.!!! I look at him like he's lost his marbles and ask him if he hit his head he just laughed again and said,"no, come sit with me we need to talk." As he pulled me into the diner and sat us at a booth, I just sat there staring as he looked into my eyes. I never noticed how beautiful his eyes were. They are this light Angelic looking blue and for the second time today I felt myself slipping into the eyes of a sexy man. He started laughing again and I was just sitting there looking lost. "What the shiz is so funny" I asked "you think I'm sexy babe.??" What the.!!?? where did that come from it's like he read my mind... .!! As I thought that his face paled....if that was even possible considering how pale he already is. He cleared his throat as he started,"look Hazel I'm sorry about how I've been treating you. I just -I- r-really like you and I don't know how to express that other than picking on you. M-maybe we can try and be f-friends.??" Was this big teenage boy stuttering because of little old me.??! "Are you trying to prank me again.?"I ask, "NO.! Not at all.!" He said in a rush looking a bit guilty... "Um s-sure I guess. Why n-not.?" As soon as I said that his face broke out into a wide grin. Great.! We sat there just talking well he did a lot of the talking I just sat there listening. Eventually it was time to go back to school, so we got up to leave. As I was taking my money out he put his humongous hand over mine and paid himself.! "You did not have to do that I have money.!" "It's cool gorgeous I got it" mmm that's twice he's complimented me. As we made our way back to the school house Mason stayed hot on my tail. When we arrived I got out and rushed to the doors but in the blink of In eye he was in front of me "CRAP.! You scared me.!" I said hitting him on the chest. Which kinda hurt...He looked guilty but chuckled "sorry" he mumbled and opened the door for me. As I began to walk inside the school he wrapped his arm around my waist and said "so 'friend' wanna hang out tonight.?" I was about to answer him when I heard this earth shaking growl come from outside the school doors. That sounds like a wolf.! I didn't know any went here.!! I quickly told Mason " um not tonight I've got a lot of erm... homework I'll catch you later though" he then slid my phone back into my back pocket what the crap.!? when did he have my phone.!? "I'll text you later babe" he said with a wink I quickly exit the school doors to see the new boy looking extremely pissed. His eyes were closed and he was taking deep breathes I cautiously walked over to him and softly put my hand on his bicep" excuse me..are you okay.?" I asked quietly his eyes shot open and he wrapped me in a hug and I felt shivers run down my spine as his body relaxed. He said "I am now" I looked up at him and said " um can you let me go please.?" He cleared his throat and mumbled an apology" uh yeah sorry" "it's okay I said, so Um was that you I heard out here growling.?" His face completely fell and he looked like he'd seen a ghost "w-what n-no.!" I said "oh" disappointment clear on my face. He noticed and said "y-yeah I just didn't like that guy having his arms around you." Hope was back "SO YOUR A WOLF TOO.!" I whisper yelled. his face lit with confusion"your a wolf.?" He asked "no not yet I have to wait until I'm eighteen and then maybe not even then my dad was a vampire so I don't know which parent I'll take after." He nodded his head in understanding. "Well I think you'll be a wolf because erm your my mate....." he said shyly. Huh mate.??! I thought I wasn't supposed to find him until I turned eighteen. "I found you early" I mumbled that scared me what kind of pull was he going to have on me.!? He would have a lot of power to hurt me.! He went to hug me again but I ran and I heard him muffle a growl as he chased after me. I quickly turned the corner and ducked into a janitors closet. I was holding my breath as I heard the footsteps come closer and closer until......

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