Chapter 6/ Is that a threat.?

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Mason's POV-
While Hazel is turned looking out of the schools doors I quickly grab her cell phone from her back pocket and send myself a quick text from her phone. Then I add myself to her contacts as "Mase.So.Sexy😍🔥" as I'm internally chuckling I ask if she wants to hang out later. I glance at her to realize she's not even paying attention to me, not gonna lie I'm a little pissed but I've gotta quit being mean to her so I keep my cool as she basically  rejects chilling with me. I play it off by being sauve and slide her phone back in her pocket. "I'll text you later babe" with one last glance I walk away to get to class. Which is gym YES.! ...Hazel's in that class with me too. As I enter a couple of girls coming out of the girls locker room pass me, one throwing me a wink, the other sending me air kisses with her hand. As they walk away I notice they are swaying their hips a little too hard. I just roll my eyes and internally gag. I make my way to the boys locker room and change into my gym clothes and tennis shoes. Then I find my way to the bleachers waiting for Hazel. Today was apparently a free day since we had a sub coach. So everyone was just playing dodge ball as I watched. In no time I'm zoned out thinking of how I can make Hazel mine...that is until I hear the whistle being blown and instantly smell blood. My mouth soon begins to water and I'm sure my fangs will elongate any moment. I look up to find the source and see a frail looking girl lying on the floor in a large puddle of blood holding her nose. The substitute then ask if anyone knows where the janitor is, no one says anything so I get up and volunteer myself to keep from tearing someone's throat out. As I open the door to the janitors closet, step inside and pick up a mop I hear shuffling behind me so I turn and let me just tell you now I about lost my f*cking marbles.! My eyes must be deceiving me they just gotta.! I could kill him.! I swear I could kill him.!! Drew has MY Hazel pressed against the wall of the janitors closet his lips barley touching hers. He's close enough to taste the burger she had for lunch on her breath.! As I'm threatening him with my eyes I hear her frail broken and scared voice say "Mason it's not what it looks like.!" She sounds like a girlfriend that was just caught doing something she shouldn't which only fuels my ego more that she cares what I think. Then he has the nerve to say "it's exactly what it looks like" quite rudely if i do say so myself. He's about to get taught some manners and lose that tongue of his. She clears her throat and our heads snap towards her our murderous glares probably still very evident on our faces. Her face visibly pales and she ducks between our legs and makes a run for it. He goes to run past me to chase her until I push him back against the wall. "That's three.!" I growl out He then starts to laugh "is that a threat leech.?" I drop my arm from his throats and stare at him confused "wtf did you just call me.?" "That's what you are isn't it..? A blood sucking leech. I know your a vampire I can smell it on you. I can also put two and two together...your her mate but so am I." That does it.! "I'd Watch it if I were you or your gonna come up dead behind that one you can't have her..!!!" He growls,"actually I can.! And I will.! Best man wins.! I discovered earlier her mother was wolf and her father was vampire, she doesn't change until she's 18 so whichever she changes into will have more pull but even then it's her choice. For some reason she's got two mates we will just have to see which one of us she falls for." I stand there shocked and contemplating everything that just came out of his mouth. It makes sense. "Deal." I agree. I then turn and walk right out of the school and to my car I decide to send Hazel a quick text now that I know she knows about my kind. At least that gets rid of some of those restrictions.
To:My HazelBug😍❤️😏
I'm a vampire and I'm your mate. Apparently you've got two. But you will be mine. I don't care how hard I've got to fight for you.💯
I leave the schools grounds and head home deciding to skip the rest of the day. I need to process all of this.

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