Day 1 of 2019

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It is the third day of attempted cleaning of house. My mum is starting to lose it and I think she has a reason. 

I mean. I have been utterly useless.

I spent the first, what, two days in a depressed slump, commonly nicknamed by me as 'The Emotion of No'. 

Catchy ain't it.

So between depression naps, staring at walls for hours on end, and trying to pull myself together long enough to make my mum happier by completing the ONE FRICKING JOB THAT I AM FULLY CAPABLE OF COMPLETING. I MEAN ITS MY RESPONSIBILITY AND I STILL HAVENT GOT MY SHIT TOGETHER. 

After three full days of cleaning my room as non-stop as possible, I have barely done anything. I mean A N Y T H I N G.

I cleaned my bedroom floor off so that's something. I got all the shit on my desk onto the cleaned floor so that I could sort it. And that is as far as I have gotten in three fucking days. 

So my sister wanted to see wreck it Ralph 2, and mum said she would use it as a reward for cleaning our rooms. Dad booked the tickets and this afternoon well off we go!

Except, no one had cleaned properly. So we went to the pre-booked movie as a reward without doing the work. 

Now I'm sure some people liked the movie but let me tell you it's hard to enjoy anything, when the person next to you is RADIATING HATRED AND DISAPPOINTMENT.


I spent the entire expedition in complete silence. And cold. My hands were cold but hell I wasn't going to even attempt to hold mums hand. I touched her shoulder and she growled at me.

So with all that in mind piling on my recently highlighted anxiety and depression (aka the 'No') , I kinda now have a few more pencil lines on my forearm.

Except they're not drawn with pencils.


Anyway guess who will attempt to stay up working most of the night? This guy; despite it being the day after New Years and me currently running on <3 hours. (Less then three is also the heart symbol)

Isn't this just a great way to start the year?

- Pyrite

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