4th of Jan

42 3 34

Heyyo people.

So Poof found out about the diary thing, made an account just to read it, and is now demanding I update on the regular. It's all good though.

Let me see.

I surfed wattpad and waited for Poof to wake up.


Spent ages doing absolutely nothing with my time.

Uhh, went to Plaster Funhouse, which is basically you pay for a plaster piece and then you paint it how you want. 

Watched some more My Hero Academia with ma siblings.

Found out that in one of the tags for my diary thingy I am 3rd! I DON'T KNOW IF THAT IS IN ANYWAY SPECIAL BUT I HAVEN'T WRITTEN BEFORE! I am happy with that.

Realised I am lacking in my awareness of how to look feminine with makeup. I can make myself appear entirely male with my makeup but can't do lips. I'm working on that.

So who needs sleep when you could: watch makeup tutorials, write, doll remodel, read fanfiction, watch more episodes of those several fandoms I'm not 'quite' in. *cough DEH, B99*, try a workout or something that healthy fit people do*-


I need sleep. And to clean. And to do the rest of that stuff. 

Fuck this

I could be working on cosplay or something, but I'm not, I'm staring at a wall.

*Healthy people drink smoothies right? Dammit, I don't like smoothies. Chocolate milkshake is pretty close though. (^~^)?

Quick summary;   Poof confuses me, Wattpad still confuses me, painting plaster is pretty neat, and depression means you can't even summon the energy to do the shit you love.

- Pyrite 

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