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I sit on the cold stone floor and I breath slowly... I don't pay attention to any thing around me but my breathing... In... count to three and Out... count to Three.. Over and over again... I need to get the anger out of my body... I wish Akira was here because he would make this breathing with me... he would make it easy for me to relax... the only one how would make me relax even more that Akira is Hell-hound I know it in my heart like I told my bodyguards.. I have found my home... but he don't love me.. I keep breathing slowly... I hear how someone is walking in to the Mausoleum and I hope they will leave me alone... and I breath slowly and I feel how someone is pulling... and I feel how I'm in someone's lap... How dare do this... I feel my anger rise again and I try to breath to calm me down... I fell the hand's holding me and it's warm like a summer night here... the warmness raps around me like a warm blanket... and I know how it's only one will give me this warm feeling...

"Charlie?" I  hear him whisper out and I open my eyes and I don't have to turn my head to look at him... and I'm angry that he dare move me and how dare he come in here when I try to calm down...

"What?" I growl at him and I do feel how my anger is purring out of me... Shit Demon is not far from coming out and play I really hope that Valentino family left and my Bratva will do what I ask them to do... I'm look at him as he looking in to my eyes...

"Easy" He whisper and he take my hand in to his.... and he hold it and I can't help put to open my eyes again and I lock my eyes in to he's and I see how he studie me and I feel that my eye is dry... 

"Easy girl" He say it's like he talking to my Demon and me at the same time.. I can't help but to focus on him.. and it look's like that's what he wanted he's eyes are soft and keep he's voice soft... He don't move as he speak... he only keep eye contact with me...

"you are not alone" He tells me and something get my attention and it's a stuff animal... where did he get that from...

"Lion I didn't take you for a teddy bear lover" I can't stop myself from saying as I see the teddy and I see how he smile as I speak my anger is no longer in my voice but it's in my body...

"Vlad grab your son out of my arms and order me here.. I forgot about he's new teddy" he tells me and I hold out my hand and I take it from him and he let me take the teddy my dear son have been at the Zoo for the first time and I didn't get to go with him because of HIM... I feel my hand strangle the lion and I feel my anger coming up again... I need to control it...

"You want to talk about it?" He ask and I turn my head from the lion to look at him and I feel that I can tell him with out him laugh at me..

"They told me that I should give up my title because I'm a women" I find myself telling him and I hear the sadness and the anger in my own voice...

"but you build this... you made all this because you worked for it... Valentino did push for drug's not like you.. I know that you are doing things that not legale but you are not pushing Drugs... They want the empire you build because you made all this because of how you are... Charlie you have many behind you..." He tells me... 

I look down and I feel how the tears are start running down my cheek but he did tell me what I need to hear... It don't matter if Papa or the other's tells me that have been with me forever and they will stand behind me until I die.. he move closer to me and I feel he's thumb whip my tears away and he pull me in to he's lap again.. I don't even put up a fight as he pull me in to his lap... he make it so slow and easy for me to accept what his doing... I want to feel the warm and I want to feel what ever he is willing to give me right now...I feel how he move my hair out of my face and he make sure that I have my back to the opening so no one will see my face... he don't know how much his helping me...

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