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I hear how the car start and I open my eyes slowly to see that they are a guy sitting in the back with me... he have a AK-45 pointed at me... but his not looking at me... I slowly let the Car rock my head so it's turn forward and I see the back head of a old man and a younger man... but the youngest one of the three are sitting in the back with me... I keep my breathing even... I'm thankful that Reaper made me and Road-kill go thru the breathing class.. it sounded like a joke back when we where prospect but now... I'm grateful for that... I keep my breathing slow and I rock with the car and I see how they young man look at his phone....

"Otets? Ded? Mozhem li my ostanovit'sya, mne nuzhno prinyat' etot zvonok .. eto moy brat "  he say and he speak Russian and I want to curse out.... I don't get it but I see him look at me like he know I'm awake... (Father? Grandfather? Can we stop I need to take this call.. it's my brother)

"Net, tebe nuzhno podozhdat', sledi za tem, kogo ya khochu, chtoby on uvidel, chto my sobirayemsya delat' s etoy shlyukhoy ..." one of them answer and I don't let my body react.... (No you have to wait keep a eye on that one I want him to see what we are going to do with That Whore...)

I see him type on his phone.... I still keep my eyes half close and he keep looking at the seat in-front of us... I see him move his hand so he hold the phone in-front of my face...

Keep still don't react... Trying to get you out  I read and I see him typ again... I don't know what the fuck he's playing at but he's holding up the phone again...

 I ask this 'Father? Grandfather? Can we stop I need to take this call.. it's my brother' the Answer from my Grandfather is this'No you have to wait keep a eye on that one I want him to see what we are going to do with That Whore' I can't speak English with them they don't get it I read slowly over the words.. So it was Grandfather... I had heard it before... I read it twice and I see the last word.... Whore... So that's what Charlie told me that night when I meet her...  I don't move I don't let him see that I have read the word but I see him take the phone away and stop it in it's pocket... I hear how the car stop and I the back door is open and I feel how they are lifting me out of the Car and I don't move and I don't react as they are putting me in a box....

I close my eyes... Shit I'm in big trouble but the box is loaded in to the another place and I hear how someone knock on the side... of the box and I hear someone curse out...

"I don't have much time so listen up... We are trying to get you out... don't trust anyone but this name.... Stanislav.. Honza or Vincenc..." I hear the voice ask and I don't move I don't react..

"Tap once if you hear me... please I need something to give my mistress please" he whisper and I think about what he said...

"My name is Honza... I'm the youngest of us three" he whisper and I give the lightest tap I can.... I don't know if he hear it...

"vse gotovo, syn moy?" a voice ask and I can only guess what he said...

"Da... Otets" he say and I don't even dare open my eyes now... 

I listen as I hear the motor of a airplane is starting up... where the fuck are they taking me... I feel how they put me into something that feel like a coffin.. I don't know what I have done to deserve this... I remember what I told my brother's... Nothing the Cartel could do to me that I haven't already done... but the Mafia that was another business.. I try to think of something that would keep my head calm and the only thing I bring up is Charlie my Angel... I slowly breath as I bring up how I will make my halo on her neck... I don't want to do it over her wounded side... but it's where her heart is... I want the world to see that she belong to me.. I want the world to see that I belong to her...  I will let her tattoo her mark on to my neck I hear the knocking again...

"ty dumayesh' on zhiv, brat?" I hear someone say and I don't know if it's a joke or not...

"Vincenc... perestan', tebe ne stanet luchshe ... U ottsa ili dyadi budut nashi golovy, yesli on umret ..." I hear the first voice and I hear them stop speaking and I can tell they are listening for something..

"He's not stupide Honza" I hear the first voice speak and I listen for a second voice...

"I told you so Vincenc..." the second voice speak as I tap as light as I can again...

"Good stay calm... We need to get to our third brother... You will be kept I hope in this box... but if someone take you out... don't react.. don't respond... if you have to act make sure you do so with pain... they need you alive" I hear Vincenc say and I slowly tap and quietly tap on the side... 

"Be still they are coming now" I hear them hiss and I feel the coffin move as they lift me up...

I feel how they are swinging me around as they are carrying me off the plane and the first thing I feel is cold... Shit it's cold and I need to get warm soon and I hear them laugh outside of the box... but I hate it... I  want out of this Box and I want to kill them all.... just wait until I get out... I feel something hurt my back that's when I remember that I still hav the Gun at that Charlie gave me and that keep me calm... I have my darling with me.. and how the fuck did that miss my gun... a outlaw club would never miss it... so how do I still have it... I can only thing of for them to make that mistake was that I did drove from the airport... so I shouldn't have had a gun on me... but Hey that's a rookie mistake... Mad-dog didn't sound like a rookie... but those how took me must have been a Real Rookie's... I feel the car jump all over the road.. we are not in Italy.. the Road was not like this... Not in a USA.... South America? or East Europe? or north Asia?... or are we really in Russia... No we wasn't on the plan that long.. Shit... I wish they would have told me where we are... but no fucking idiots... 

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