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I wake up to the sound of engine and I look up to see Ronny stand in the door... and I sit up.. and he look at me with worried eyes I know that something is up..

"What?" I ask and he look at me..

"Mistress called a 10-20 on all Broken saint's with a 911... That's mean you are not safe here... Chino gave you a adress... Every member move there in a Hour" he say and I look at him... 

"This is not request... Sir I'm order by Vlad to move everyone..." he say and I get up...

"Just let me pack a bag" I tell him and he nod...

 I walk out of my room and I see how every old lady and every member of the club is standing there... Road-kill and Dakota is not here... I put my bag on my bike and I turn to Ronny how are putting his bag in to the car... and he look around seeing Dakotas Crew...

"LOAD UP... WE MOVING" He scream and they are all getting to the cars and then he turn to me...

"Keep it tight.. and stay in-between the cars don't fall behind and please keep up" he say and I get on to my bike and I see how the other Charters look at me.. some of them have ride for hours...

"I will explain when we are safe" I tell them and I look at André as I get on the bike and he nod...

 We drive behind the Cars and we keep it as tight as we can and I see how we coming up the road to a house but it's not house it's a fucking mansion as we come up to it... I see how every guy looking at the house and as we coming up the road there is gate... I look at the Cars that are stopping around us and I see how ten men come out from the wood and they are looking at us...

"driving license" he say and I look at him...

"What for?" I ask and he look at me...

"To confirm that you are how you say you are" he say and I pull out my wallet and give it to him...

He take one look and check of a name on a list and they are walking thru all of the guy's and then the cars... I look at the others President and I see that they are looking at me and I see how the cars are park around us as to protect us from something... 

"They are green... open the gate to  Rowan Cottage" I hear him say as he walk pass me...

"You follow that car... don't go anywhere but after that car" he say and I nod as the car start rolling in to the ground and the bike's are following me...

We are coming up to the mansion... I see how they are looking at me and I see how next set of the guy's coming up and they are all walking up to us...

"Reaper.. they are checking the bike's... to make sure that they don't need anything or that anyone is tinkered with them... We are on Red alert and We are order to keep you hear until we are get new orders..." Ronny tells me and I see how each bike get a guy how look at them...

"They are green.. We have over a hundred bike's that need some Juice..." I hear one say...

"Get the Juice from Mistress tank's... Gas them up move them down stairs... Have each bike have their guard... 24/7.. the bike will not be left unguarded.." he say and I see how my brother's and their lady's looking at us.. I see Daniela get out of the car where Ronny was sitting in.. 

"Reaper... This way..." Ronny say and I see how they guy's and I take our bags and we walk in to the house and I see Chino stand inside....

"Welcome to Rowan Cottage Reaper... The Home for my boss... Daniela we have a doctor here he will follow you every step of the way.. Mistress will not allow you or your child to be hurt..." Chino say and Daniela smiling at the Doc how come up and hold out a hand for her to take...

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