chapter four; perspectives

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I was gently awoken by the sunlight that spilled out of my bedroom windows and onto me. And not to mention the chirping birds as well. Just like one of those old Disney films. I stayed in bed for a couple more minutes until my body and my brain were ready to wake up. The red numbers on the clock pierced through my eyes. Making me rub them.

8:57 am

Fuck! This is a Monday morning! By the time I would arrive at school I would already miss the morning lecture. Should I go to school or should I take the day off? It's one of those moments where there's a devil on your left shoulder and an angel on your right. I don't think it would hurt to miss a tiny little Monday but then again I have to take my chemistry test that I studied hard for. Double fuck.

I think I've already had one too many day offs. School it is I suppose. I sprint over to my jam packed closet then brush my teeth without even bothering to eat breakfast. The most important meal of the day can be postponed I guess.

9:20 am

Thank god for passing period. If it weren't for that then I would've made a fool out of myself showing up late to class again. I spot my tall friend in the crowded hall way. Hugging her from behind.

"What's up Aubrey? You startled me there. I thought you were my creepy cousin for a second."

Jane, my tall friend. Total opposite of me. She has short curly brown hair with big brown eyes and a total optimist. Our friendship is a perfect balance. Which is probably why we get along so well.

"I've been kind of shit this morning but I'm bound to keep my head up like always. You?"

"I'm doing pretty good actually. Thanks for asking."

The bell rings. Everyone runs to their classrooms like they're participating in a marathon. I'm for sure in last place.

"Also Aubrey before I forget. My brother and his band are playing at the Greyhound pub this Friday. And I know you love rock so please come with me. We can even go to a diner after."

The offer lingered in my mind. Don't I have something to do on Friday? I feel like I have something to do. Think Aubrey, think.

"Okay I'll go!"

God dammit. I do love myself some alcohol and music though.

"Yay! I'm glad you said yes. Good luck on that chem test, I'll see you around."

Later that day

"I just can't think of anything right now."

My hands trembled as I tried to come up with a new song idea. I had Harry on the telephone as we tried to come up with something. I sat on the floor in my cold lonely apartment while the rain poured outside.

"I mean you can't force inspiration, the inspiration has got to come to you first."

My ass was getting sore from sitting on the hard carpet for a long time. Legs crossed, pen in hand, notebook on the ground.

"Well the inspiration is taking too long to arrive."

The frustration kept on building up. I angrily scratched out the shitty verse I had just written. I observed my surroundings. What if I wrote about the rain? Or maybe the soap opera I just finished watching. Too much suspense for a crappy ending, fuck that.

"What if you put yourself in someone else's shoes?"

I crinkled my eyebrows. Trying to comprehend what Harry just suggested.

"Give me an example then."

A short pause between the line before he spoke again, explaining further more.

"Like what if you wrote in the perspective of a nun or a serial killer or something? I think that'd be pretty cool in my opinion."

Huh. I guess that's not such a bad idea after all. I mean if my brain really is that drained of ideas, then I'd definitely go through with it.

"You know what. I'm picky when it comes to these types of thing, but I'll consider that. You're brilliant Harry. I hope you know that."

I wrote in the left side of my notebook:

Use perspectives as a writing tool

"Oh I know that. I'm gonna go now Aubrey, adiós amiga."

"Adiós Harry."

Yeah I said it was gonna get juicy but not in the FOURTH chapter. I really don't want this story to be rushed like the rest. I don't want Roger and Aubrey to start dating in the early chapters. They will eventually I promise! Just not this early into the book. Also I have a twelve hour flight to catch tomorrow but I'll still try to squeeze in a chapter for you guys. Hope you guys enjoyed this one also.
Till then 💘

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