chapter six; dancing queen

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Today was Friday. And the week went by quicker then I could've ever imagined. I was more looking forward to hanging out with Jane then I was seeing the band perform. But I didn't mind the location she chose to hang out. Jane was supposed to call me and let me know when it's time for me to pick her up, but some time passed and I still didn't hear from her.

I brushed out my long black hair trying my best to remove any knots that came in the way.

Ring... Ring...

Huh, maybe Jane didn't fall asleep and forget after all.

"Hey Aubrey, i'm in a bit of a situation and I don't think I can make it tonight I'm sorry."

"Alright that's fine. Is everything okay?"

My biggest pet peeve, when friends bail out of plans last minute. But knowing Jane, it was probably something that was out of her control.

"I just got really strong cramps that's all. But you should still go anyways! Go have fun, enough the show. I promise you'll like them."

I thought about for a couple of seconds, but giving my response. I was already all dressed up anyways, so it would be a shame if I stayed at home too.

"Yeah I guess your right. If you say it's rock, then I'll go."

Even though Jane wasn't physically there, I could still sense her facial expression turn into a smile.

"Awesome. I'm glad you said yes because I still told my brother you were going anyways. Go say hi to him after the show too. Well have fun then, I'll talk to you later."

Later that night

Even before entering the Greyhound Pub, I could sense the smell of liquor and cigarette smoke from the parking lot where my beautiful gorgeous car was staying.

I sat down at an empty booth, observing my surrounding. The bartender was an elderly woman, with a giant tattoo of the playboy bunny on the side of her neck. The booth next to me had a middle-aged man with two ladies on him. And the owner of the pub who seemed to be having a mid life crisis.

"And now presenting, Smile."

I brought my attention off the cigarette I was smoking, and onto the stage where the bright lights shined.

Smile? What the fuck? As in Rogers band? Where my booth was located made it hard to see who was behind the drum set but I had already spotted Jane's brother. Brown curly hair, it just had to be him.

Keep yourself alive, yeah
Keep yourself alive

The atmosphere of the pub had already changed thanks to the upbeat song. Folks of all kinds butted their heads to the music. The man singing the song had captured everyone's attention, people couldn't take their eyes off of the band. I see bands perform all time, but I've never been more fascinated then with this band, Smile.

Smile had finished their opening song. Everyone in the pub had their eyes locked onto the band.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Seven Seas of Rhye!"

I leaned in a bit closer, squinting my eyes and trying to get a better look.

Fear me you lords and lady preachers
I descend upon your earth from the skies

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