chapter thirteen; this is the bbc

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Thanks to my lovely coworker Joyce, we were able to trade shifts in order for me to not miss out on Queen's BBC performance. There was no way I could go to work on a beautiful day like this. I also couldn't imagine what Roger was feeling right now. Performing on the biggest broadcasting corporation in the whole damn country.

I glanced around the building, trying to locate where the band was. A short elderly woman stood behind a desk, so I just assumed it was the front office assistant.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can find the band Queen?"

"You aren't one of those creepy fan girls now are you?"

"No madame. I even have a visitors pass. I'm just trying to find where they're located."

The woman squinting her eyes at me, I wasn't quite sure what she was trying to get out of me. Perhaps just a closer look?

"Down this hall, to your right."

"Thank you."

I went on about trying to find them as the somewhat nice lady went on about her day as well. The building had such a cold and empty atmosphere. Blank boring walls, without any sort of decoration. So painful dull. Down this hall to the right, is what I was told. Now performing Queen, the bold letters read on my side of the door.

"Visitors pass please."

The intimidating bald buff security guard said to me, as he stood in the corner with his hands behind his back. Without a peep, I hand over my pass.

"Aubrey Hill?"

"That's me."

He opens the door for me, exposing me to the world of the BBC stage. Along with the tons of crew that were scattered all over, each one rushing to finish their jobs.

"Well if it isn't Aubrey the dancing queen. How have you been dear?"

Although I couldn't literally see the person hugging me from behind, the voice and manner were easily recognizable as Freddie's.

"I've been good, aside from the stresses of Uni, still doing good. How about you?"

"I'm doing just fantastic, thanks for asking."

The usual chitchat between us went on for a few minutes.

"Anyways, if you're looking for blondie then he should be in his dressing room. I'm gonna go greet Mary now. We'll catch up later dear!"

How fancy of Roger to get his own dressing room. As I approached the room in search for Roger, I looked around the room analyzing. It seemed a bit odd that all of the audience members were being told what to do.

"Knock knock."

I said out loud in unison with my double knocks on Rogers dressing room. His door read, 'Roger Taylor' in pink. Seems like something he would ask for.

"I already told you that I don't want to wear a bloody shirt! I like my outfit the way it is."

"It's Aubrey. But I'm sure your outfit is perfect the way it is."

I stood outside. Not wanting to barge in without him saying giving me the command.

"What then are you waiting for? Get your sweet ass in here darling!"

"Hi Roger.."

Without any acknowledgement onto why Roger didn't have any trousers on, we greeted each other with a warm and gentle kiss on the lips.

"Are you nervous?"

"A bit actually. Although I didn't think quite expect to be nervous. I guess it's just the fact that it's the BBC."

Rogers dressing room consisted of tons of scattered pink and black clothes, his sparkly pink sneakers, and a bottle of Tennessee whiskey on the vanity. I would need that too if I were him.

"You're on in five."

A crew member from the outside said.

"Let me just put some trousers on and I'll go with you to the stage, alright?"


Roger and I had made it to the stage where the backdrop looked like a beautiful night sky filled with stars and whatnot. The neon lights around it definitely set the tone as well.

"But we do know how to play our instruments.."

Roger and I walked in to the rest of the band throwing a hissy fit at what seemed to be the manager of some sort.

"The audience will never know the difference."

The bearded manager said.

"Oh trust me, we'll know the bloody difference."

The guitarist declared.

"You want me to lip sync?"

Freddie fired back at the manager with the typical Freddie sass.

"This is the BBC and this is how things are done around here. If you don't like it then you're welcome to leave, alright?"

The band members went silent. That was until Brian make a peep.

"This is the BBC."

He mocked the manager. Roger and I couldn't hold it in anymore as we burst out in laughter.

A few minutes later

She's a Killer Queen
Gunpowder, gelatin
Dynamite with a laser beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind

"So you must be Rogers girl?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

Being referred to as 'Roger's girl' was a bit out of the ordinary. I wasn't used to it and I didn't really like the thought of belonging to someone either.

"And you must be Mary right?"


I hoped that Mary and I could get along and be friends as we would probably be seeing each other quite often. I zoned out of the conversation, just focusing my train of thought onto the 'performing' band.

"Aren't they amazing?"

Mary silently said without looking at me. Wasn't quite sure if she was even talking to me.


There in the stage was Freddie, John, Brian, and Roger. Along with all of the fake audience members cheering them on as they played on their fake instruments. Although they weren't even really performing. Queen had yet to steal the show.

Oh boy I'm so terribly sorry you had to read that this is a stinky chapter. But anyhow I hope you enjoyed it and drop a comment with any constructive criticism, a book recommendation, or even just to say hi. Also my dms are always open as well. Thank you again! Until next time. 💘

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