chapter sixteen; what if

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My cluttered mind wandered as I flipped through old photographs. Pictures of my brother and I specifically. Us playing in rain puddles, climbing trees, old games of hide n go seek. Moments I knew I would treasure for the rest of my life. My relationship with my brothers is one I wouldn't trade for the world. Even in my last few days at the house I grew up in, we stilled played as if we were at the tender age of eight.

Unexpectedly, I feel the sun beam through the window and onto my face, nearly blinding me. However, in the typical gloomy days of living in London. A little sun don't ever hurt nobody. I leaned my head on the window, absorbing all of the Vitamin C.

I prayed for a little company. Roger being out of town truly hit me as I was bored out of my mind. The house was clean, my homework was surprisingly complete, my last pack was smoked. It was currently a Sunday Afternoon, warm April weather. Perhaps I could make myself something, I dashed to the kitchen where I searched for something sweet to fulfill my need for sugar. It's a sweet-tooth thing. Honey, lemon, chamomile tea. That should cut it for me.

Waiting around for the water to boil a thought popped into my head. But this thought, it was different. It wasn't another one of those, 'what if' silly scenarios. It was quite important. My dream job, folks around me knew every since I was little, I've wanted to be a performer. A singer to be a bit more specific. What if it isn't meant for me? What if the universe has something else for me, which doesn't include being a musician. Although I am majoring in Psychology, it's more of a Plan B to me rather then a Plan A. How the hell am I supposed to help and treat others when my own mental health is messed up?

My train of thought came to an abrupt end when I heard the phone ringing from the living room. I wondered who could be calling on this casual Sunday afternoon.



You can always tell when there's something off with your mother, always. And that's the feeling I was getting now. The tone in her voice was different. Different enough that could sense she was shaken about something. Though I couldn't quite grasp on what it could be.

"Your father stopped by the house today. For the first time since he left."

This is kind of shit to me but I still hope you guys liked it. Bye bye 💙

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