chapter twenty-three; don't worry baby

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Whilst Brain and Jane prepared to open up for Roger (which was on the other side of the door) everything I had ever thought about for my life and for my future had changed

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Whilst Brain and Jane prepared to open up for Roger (which was on the other side of the door) everything I had ever thought about for my life and for my future had changed. As if my very dreams were being disintegrated right in front of my eyes. Attempting to come up with the right thing to say to Roger, I couldn't help myself but silently cry in the cold palms of my hands. And with the echoing footsteps of Rog, I knew I couldn't back out of this now. Not now or ever.

"Aubrey, is everything alright?"

"No, actually, not really."

"What happened?"

"Just sit down."

Roger sat right next to me on the couch. Only inches apart. Before his arrival, Brian and Jane suggested that I show him the pregnancy test, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I figured that words would be hard enough.

"Roger, I'm pregnant."

After those very words, he spaced out a bit. Sinking into his own thoughts. Probably the ones about his life now and how it's going to impact his career. Most likely thinking about everything will change after this pregnancy.

"I'm sorry."

Once I silently murmured, tears spilled out and onto my palms. Which meant I couldn't see Rogers reaction after revealing that to him.

"Don't be silly, love, we're in this together."

And for a short moment in time, I thought about the future in a good way. I pictured another version of myself in a modern family with the perfect kitchen, white picket fences, a perfect garden, and a hardworking husband. Along with an adorable perfect little baby. What if it turns out this way I thought to myself. I never thought i'd be thinking about this version of myself, especially not at nineteen.

Shortly after, I envisioned the future in a dreadful way. A single mother, who struggles to support herself let alone a child, a deadbeat father who shows up late at night, and a home that is slowly crumbling to ashes. But what if this is the outcome? Growing up, my mom always made sure I found the right guy to settle down with so I wouldn't make the same mistake as her. If things turned out the way I hope it wouldn't, how what she react? Would she be disappointed? Perhaps, even disown me?

After wiping off the tears with the bottom of my shirt, I was quick to find out that Roger too was a little teary. I don't blame him. I'm nineteen, he's twenty. We're both supposed to be enjoying the prime of ours lives. Instead, we're both dealing with something we'd never though we would get into.

"So.. did you take a test?"


"And it was-"

"Yup, positive."

I signed with a strong sense of guilt.

"Don't worry Aubrey, w-w-we'll find a house and everything and I can find more gigs in the area t-that way the band and I won't have to travel to far so I won't leave you by yourself too often. A-and we can make this work, I promise."

"Rog, I thought maybe you would leave me because of this.."

"Never. Actually, Aubrey, I've been meaning to say this for a while now. But I love you like no tomorrow, okay?"

"I love you too, Rog, so much."

And for the meantime, everything seemed okay. Like I was actually going to be okay, for the meantime ...

authors note

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