chapter twenty-four; the cheat

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Roger's P.O.V

"C'mon Rog, you have to tell her sooner or later."

Brian and I quietly debated whilst sitting on the couch in my messy flat. Messy due to the fact that I never had the time to clean around anymore, given the fact that I was either with Aubrey or at the studio most of the time.

"Yeah but I just found out she was pregnant! How am I possibly supposed to tell her that I hooked up with another lady while she's pregnant?"

"Look Rog, you got yourself in this situation. And you're gonna have to tell her one time or another. It's just what's fair."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! I know.. what do I even tell her?"

Anxiously walking in circles, I hold my hand over my head trying to come up with something. Although I was still drunk, a slight part of me knew what I was doing. The whole tour after that was different, the energy had been oddly shifted. And not just mine, the other boys as well.

One week later

Car parked outside of Aubrey's home, I knock on the door. Both eyes red from pure frustration.

"Hey Aubrey, uh, we need to talk."

"Alright.. what's going on?"

While I nervously trembled my fingers, I knew I couldn't escape from the truth. As much as I despised of it, I had to face it head on, it was only fair for Aubrey.

"Whatever i'm about to say next, you have to know that i'm extremely sorry, okay?"

"Yeah, okay, you know I love you Rog, right? But what happened? Is everything alright?"

"While I was touring America, there was this one party after a show and I got really, really, hammered. One thing after another and I ended up hooking up with another girl. I'm so sorry."

Aubrey's face turned cold, and I could tell her heart did too. She didn't even bother to yell, she just stood there, frozen. Unwilling to fight or argue with me. And in that exact moment, I knew that it was the worst mistake I had ever made in my entire life. She was my everything, and I had betrayed her.


She whimpered, not even bearing to make eye contact with me anymore.

"Aubrey, I am so, so, sorry."

For a short moment in time, she looked at me briefly. Shortly before attempting to remove her promise ring from her finger. I didn't blame her, I truly fucked up this time. And I had to suffer the consequences of losing her trust. I felt as if my heart was being pulled apart with every edge.

"Why, Roger why!?"

Aubrey sobbed into her palms.

"I'm sorry, I really am."

"I think you should go, I just need some alone time to think."

Her words echoed throughout the house. Without any sort of hesitation, I knew it was best. I would even understand if she never wanted to see my face again, who could ever love a cheater like me?

authors note
hey everyone!
i'm sorry this is so sad but it is what it is.
anyways, hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did please vote and comment!
means a lot.
also if you haven't already, check out my new book Our Last Summer because i'm super proud of it and i think you guys will like it (yes, it's a roger taylor fan fic) but nonetheless, thanks for reading if you've made it this far

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