First meeting

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Jimin's Point of View
Setting: Home

Ugh it's time for school again. Another day of learning, and another day of verbal abuse from Hoseok. I thought to myself as I slowly crawled out of bed. I don't get why he has to yell at me so much, I'm just another human being. Well, maybe he has something going on at home?
I began my morning routine and continued pondering about why Hoseok would choose me for an outlet. I put on a comfy hoodie and some light colored jeans, and slowly began making my way downstairs.
"Good morning Jin!" I happily sang out to my adoptive father as I sat at the table. "Morning Jimin, I'm just making breakfast. Are you ready for school today?" Jin questioned me whilst I sat. "Yea, I'm ready! Today in science class we will be learning about the internal structure of mammals!" I replied with excitement lacing my words. "Ah, really? That's cool! Science was my favorite class in high school." Jin states as he flips the pancakes in the pan.
"Hey, um, Jin? Have you met your soulmate yet?" I questioned, genuinely curious. Jin suddenly became very still and quite sad at my question. "Jimin, I met my soulmate about eleven years ago. Her name was Jisoo, and it instantly became my favorite name. She was beautiful, blue eyes that shined with excitement. She always had brightly colored dyed hair. And for as long as I knew her, she never lost her smile. But, she crossed the street too soon, and she was hit by a black car. She was trying to get to the other side, where I stood with a bouquet of Smerlado flowers. I ran to her as fast as I could, but everything turned back to black and white. She died in front of my eyes, Jimin. Right in front of me! And on our two year anniversary too!" Jin began to weep, almost silently but still audibly; he started to shake from his weeping.
I ran towards him and helped him to the couch, turning off the stove. "And I've never even came close to touching or seeing another Smeraldo flower. I don't want to see another one of those stupid flowers again!" He yelled, still crying, but I tried to comfort him. "Jin, I don't really know too well what to say but at least she's in a better place right?" I hesitated to reply, still holding Jin.
Jin wiped his tears and slowed his breathing, "Jimin I will be okay, you need to hurry up. School starts soon, you don't want to be late for your science class." He said with a small, sad smile, rustling my pink hair.
"Oh my god school!" I shouted as I scampered to toss on my backpack and black converse highs.

-small time skip to Jimin getting to school-

'I've been here for five minutes already, why hasn't Hoseok found me yet?' I thought as I began pulling my science textbook and notebook out of my locker, then closing my locker. I turned around, hoping to make it to class without Hoseok's harsh words being thrown at me, followed by the laughs of my peers in the hallway. But obviously I had no such luck, as when I spun around there was Hoseok. Well I guess it's still 'speak of the devil and he will come' huh? I thought, getting my walls ready for Hoseok to begin yelling.

"There you are, freak! I have been looking for you, where have you been, huh? Out looking for mom and dad?!  Well, guess what? They were fully capable of raising you, they just didn't want you! You worthless little queer foster kid!," Hoseok screamed, gaining the attention of everyone else in the hallway. "Arent you gonna speak up? Or are you mute too?!" Hoseok continued his verbal assault.
"it doesn't matter if they wanted me or not Hoseok, I'm living with an amazing adoptive father. And by the new bruises on your leg, I'd assume your dad found his alcohol again?" I quietly replied, hoping he would stop making such a scene. But luck still wasn't on my side.
"Oh so you think just because I have even more bruises than yesterday, I'm abused?! You idiot!" Hoseok quickly replied, fear lightly coating his words. When I had spoken, I didn't expect him to throw a punch. His abuse had always been verbal to me, never physical.
Hoseok threw a hard punch at my nose, aiming to break it. Thus making my small nose bleed profusely. A blonde guy I'd never seen before came rushing towards us.
"Jung Hoseok! I thought you said it would never become physical! You complete idiot! Look, you've left evidence on his—" the boy quickly shut up, his face turning from one of rage to complete stone. His brown eyes almost glossing over.
I wipe at the blood streaming down my upper lip, surprisingly seeing! What the heck? Why is it in color? I think to myself, looking around, trying to see if there was a new girl in the crowd, watching, but finding no one new, besides this new boy.
Oh my god, my soulmate is a guy?! Wait, why is my soulmate a guy, I thought only straight soulmates existed? This shouldn't be happening! I frantically thought to myself, before I hastily grabbed my class items and raced for my science class, hoping not to be late.
Oh my god, I can see red! I can see a color! There's a red book! And there's-oh that's still my blood. I continued thinking as I made my way to my seat, grabbing tissues on my way back.
"Ugh that idiot made me ruin my favorite hoodie! I hate him so much!" I whispered as I saw the color staining it. Finally, the last few students and my best friend raced in the class as the bell rang.
"Taehyung! Guess what! Guess what!" I happily whisper yelled to my best friend after he sat down beside me. Taehyung quickly replied to my yelling,"What Jimin? What happened? Wait are you bleeding?! Jimin, I thought it was just stupid and useless words thrown at you, not punches! Ooh I swear I'm gonna—"
"Tae! That's not what I wanted to tell you! What I wanted to tell you before you started yelling was..I FOUND MY SOULMATE!" I interjected before Taehyung created a "master plan."
"Wait you did?! Jiminie that's wonderful! Who is she?" Taehyung excitedly questioned. "Well firstly, it's apparently a guy-" "Wait a guy? JIMIN-" Tae began to interrupt me again. "Taehyung let me finish! It's a guy, and he stopped Hoseok. He seemed like he knew Hoseok pretty well too." I managed to finish my story.
"Taehyung, Jimin! Would you like to share your conversation with the class or can I continue my lecture?" The science teacher exclaimed. "You can continue." Taehyung replied quickly. The teacher started her lecture again.

-Yoongi's Point Of View, when he saw Hoseok punch Jimin-

I turned the hallway, hoping to find my best friend not causing more trouble. "Jung Hoseok! I thought you said it would never become physical! You complete idiot! Look, you've left evidence on his—" I suddenly stopped my rant. Red? I was seeing red. And it was coming from the nose of another-male- student.
I found my soulmate? But, that's a guy? My soulmate can't be a guy! Maybe there is a girl behind him I have never seen! Yoongi breaks out of his thoughts to look around, finding no one new, only the small boy being pressed against the lockers by his best friend. Suddenly Hoseok lets the kid go and the now free boy runs away. Yoongi grabbed his best friend and ran into their English class.

"Hoseok, I think I just found my soulmate." I shakily mumbled, only loud enough for him to hear. "Really? That's, that's great Yoongi! Soo who is she? Is it her?" Hoseok points to a random blonde girl in the front of the class. "No Hoseok, my soulmate isn't her, but she is pretty. My soulmate might possibly be a guy?" I stated, slightly questioning my own words.
"Yoongi, you know that only straight couples come from the soulmate bond, right? That would be impossible!" Hoseok began telling me how incredibly impossible it would be to have a soulmate of the same gender.
"Well, Hoseok, my soulmate is a guy, and you've been breaking him down senselessly! That small boy you've been telling me about, how he would start to tear up with some of the things you say? That smaller boy you just now punched? I saw red! I saw his blood Hoseok! And I still see the red on your hand!" I angrily spoke.
"You mean that idiotic kid is your soulmate? Haha that's funny Yoongles, you always know how to make me laugh." Hoseok laughed. "Jung Hoseok this is not a joke, I'm being serious right now! You've been hurting my soulmate for months, years even! And I didn't even know he was my other half until thirty minutes ago!" I pushed, hoping he would hear the sincerity in my voice. But he still couldn't take me seriously. He couldn't even look me in the eyes without bursting into laughter.
I don't joke around that much, do I? I thought, writing down notes for English.
    The class quickly ended, and it soon became lunch time. I started to quickly rush my way to the lunch room, full of other students making drama form and some having fun, joking among themselves. "Hoseok? Are you finally going to stop laughing?" I asked, hoping he would stop laughing so much, "I can't exactly help who my soulmate is, it's not my fault I was sent a guy!" I finished saying.
   "Yoongi, I'm telling you, you can't have a male soulmate, it's just wrong! That's not how the world works!" Hoseok continued trying to make me believe that the pink haired boy wasn't my match. I guess Hoseok will never realize that maybe love is love, and that this is the world trying to prove it. I thought, sighing, almost sadly.
        I look up and see that familiar pink hair, making his way to the lunch line where Hoseok and I are standing.

Word count:1730

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