Carnival Part Two

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Jimin's POV still

I began to quickly make my way to him, hoping to finally talk to him. Hopefully I'll know his name after this I thought, edging closer to him. I made it to him without him noticing me and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around with a glare on his stony face until it fell into a surprised face. "What are you doing here? Better yet, why are you around me?" Yoongi questioned, his face going back to his cold glare. "Well, I'm here because I wanted to come to the Carnival before it closed. And I'm around you because I'm your soulmate. I know you saw red that day when Hoseok punched me. You went from yelling at him to completely silent, just after looking at my face. I began to see red too. Red is in everything! Those flowers, the roller coasters, even your jacket! You can't act like you didn't see red when you saw me. You can't act like you don't see red even still." I explained, hoping he wouldn't keep running away from me. "We may be soulmates but don't expect some relationship other than platonic to form. I'm not gay, I can't be gay!" Yoongi exclaimed.
"It doesn't have to be a relationship, we could just start as friends?" I asked hopefully.

Yoongi's pov
Oh no he has cute little puppy eyes I can't say no-wait cute? He's not cute. But his little puppy eyes!
"Fine. Do you want to go ride a roller coaster or something then?" I asked, giving in to him. "Yay!" Jimin giggled, grabbing my arm and running to a ride. He pulled out his phone and quickly sent a text. Probably to his dad I guess I thought. "Wait, but I don't know your name! What is your name?" Jimin asked me. "Oh, I'm Yoongi, Min Yoongi. And you are?" I asked, wanting to know his full name. "Jimin, Park Jimin!" Jimin spoke excitedly. "Alright, this is the ride you want to go on?" I asked, unsure that this younger boy would want to ride the tallest roller coaster at the carnival."Yep!" Jimin quickly replied, pulling us into line.
All throughout us waiting in the lengthy line I couldn't stop looking at Jimin. He just looks so innocent and sweet, why am I his soulmate? Aren't we polar opposites? I looked at the differences between our outfits. Well, my clothes are dark, and I have on a leather Jacket. His clothes are a little oversized and light colors which the names of were unknown to me.
Even on the ride I couldn't stop staring at him. Why is he stuck with a soulmate like me? I'm depressed, I'm always anxious, and I'm dreaming a silly dream of becoming a rapper. Even if One of us were a girl, this wouldn't work. We are too opposite. Wait why am I thinking like this? We agreed for it to stay platonic completely. Right? I was shaken out of my thoughts as I heard Jimin scream. I quickly looked towards him only to realize the ride had started and we were going downhill quickly. Oh thank god he's alright. I thought to myself, then enjoyed the rest of the ride, screaming with Jimin as we rode a few more rides. After we got off the fourth ride, we went to get Cotton Candy. Because I am older I payed for his treat, only because I'm older, I convinced myself.
Doom Dada by T.O.P started playing suddenly. Oh, that's my ringtone! I realized after a few seconds, quickly picking it up. "Hello?" I asked into my phone. "Yoongi where are you? I thought we were gonna go to the arcade today!" Hoseok spoke. "Well change of plans, Hobi. We can go tomorrow, but I'm bringing a friend okay?" I replied. "What friend, Yoongi I'm the only friend you've got!" Hoseok exclaimed. "Well he's a new friend. You can truly meet him tomorrow." I said. "Yoongi if it's that bo-" I cut him off, ending the phone call.
"What do you want to do now Jiminie?" I questioned, starting to clean up our mess we've made. "Well, you sound like you had set other plans, do you want to go? I could just go back home, maybe text JungKook?" Jimin replied. "Well, I've already canceled on him, we can just keep wandering around. We could find a few games to play maybe?" I asked him, thinking maybe I could win him something. I need to be better than JungKook! I should take him to the ring toss game and win him a huge stuffed bear. Wait why do I even care? Oh yea, he's my soulmate.
"Jimin, do you want to go play the ring toss game?" I inquired, still wanting to up JungKook's Chimmy plushie. "But don't those kinds of games just waste money?" Jimin asked. "Well, it'll be money well wasted. What animal do you want? The big bear?" I replied, getting out my wallet. I tried the first time, but missed. "These bottles are rigged." I muttered angrily. I payed again, and won the stupid bear finally. "Alright boys, here's the bear!" The stand attendee spoke.
I grab the bear and pass it to Jimin, the bear almost the size of him. "Oh my god he's so cute!" Jimin squealed. "What're you going the name the bear?" I questioned. "Yoonie!" Jimin exclaimed, squeezing the three foot bear tightly. That's so precious I mentally gushed. But he's still a guy, this cannot become any more than friendly I promised myself.

Jimin's Point Of View
Oh my god he isn't ignoring me anymore! This is amazing! And because he's friends with Hoseok, maybe he could get Hoseok to stop bullying me? Ah, that's just wishful thinking. But, it wouldn't really hurt to ask right? I conversed with myself internally. "Yoongi can I ask you something?" I timidly asked."You just did, Jimin." Yoongi cheekily spoke, giving a gummy smile. "Ah, you know what I mean! But, do you think you could get Hoseok to stop bullying me? It's been going on for three or four years now and I'm barely staying alive." I questioned, hoping he could help me.
"Wait, this has been going on for four years?! He's been bullying you since he was fourteen? And it's been affecting you this badly as to not think you could live? Seriously?! Oh I'll more than stop him- he won't know what hit him!" Yoongi seethed, going red in the face. "Don't hurt him, I'll be fine. Just, please get to at least stop doing it so publicly." I pleaded. "Do you know what I'm going to do? We are going to confront him right now, this needs to stop!" Yoongi exclaimed, pulling out is phone. "Hey Hobi, do you think you could meet me at the diner in a few minutes? We need to talk, dude." Yoongi spoke into his phone, but I couldn't hear what Hoseok replied. "It has to be now, Hoseok. I'm out side the diner, okay? Meet me." Yoongi finished, hanging up his Kumamon-clad iPhone.
"Wait, Hoseok is coming here to meet us? Yoongi we aren't in school, there aren't any teachers here to stop it from getting physical anymore!" I worriedly exclaimed, hoping nothing bad would happen.

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